Yes, my ticker is correct and I am past my due date and oh-so-uncomfortable and frustrated! I never thought I would be in this situation since everything was progressing so well the past month but last week it all just stopped. At 39 weeks I was 3 cm dilated, 50% effaced, and -3 station. At 40 weeks the only change is that he seems to have gone back up. After my Dr. appointment I cried all the way to work. Thank goodness I am still working because otherwise I wouldn't have hardly any time left after delivery to spend with the baby before going back to work (I only get 6 weeks of maternity leave for a vaginal birth and 8 weeks for c-section if needed). The OB wants me to stop working at 41 weeks and they have already discussed scheduling an induction by 3/5 at the latest. Needless to say, I am scared and frustrated. Anyone have experience in this situation?
Re: Past Due and still waiting, need advice
I went 5 days past and I feel your pain. I know there are tricks and all that, but I really just think when he's ready, he'll come. I have a friend whose Dr let her go 12 days past before induction, so I'm sure he'll be good.
Thinking about it, I went into labor on Sunday morning (4 days past) and he was born Monday afternoon, so I'll keep my fingers crossed that tomorrow will work for you!
my read shelf:
I think the best advice I can give is to try to relax and let nature take its course. Everything that you hear about how things are supposed to be are almost never right. I delivered my first kid the day before her due date after being told she'd probably be late since she was my first. She came on her own time, but it took her 44 hours to make it out.
Then with DS, I was progressing well just like you and he was my second so I fully expected to deliver by my due date at the latest. I was induced eight miserable days after my due date. And you know what? With all of the talk about how Pitocin can stall out your labor and make it longer, he was out in less than 8 hours- from check-in to birth.
I know how uncomfortable you must feel right now- I remember that feeling all too well. The one thing I can promise you is that this baby will not stay in there forever! I have my fingers crossed that you will find yourself in labor before you know it!
Photo/Family Blog
I can relate too. I was a week late with my second, and it was probably the most miserable week of my life (since I had nearly constant, painful false labor and a toddler to chase after), but I was determined to let her come when she was ready and not be induced.
I tried all the usuals (walking, spicy food, sex, etc.) but in the end, she decided to wait until a couple hours before the biggest interview of my husband's career so far to let it be know she was on the way.
Since this post is a few days old, perhaps your little guy is already here. If not, hoping it is very soon!
I was 30 yrs old when I had my 1st, we went 10 days over before the induction. I was pregnant all through the summer, so, I was definitely uncomfortable. The doctors kept sending us home with lots of "ideas", nothing worked. Until she was ready to come, she wasn't having any of our outside help.
Keep the faith!