Colorado Nesties
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Where can I go and study and Aiden can play?
~Dana & Horace~*~Married July 10th, 2006~

Photo courtesy of Ann Goldenberg Photography
Katie Talks About...
There were several times I put the boys in the child care at the rec center while I sat at a table and studied instead of working out.
If Ikea had been open I'm sure I would have done the same there - put them in the play place for an hour and then head to the restaurant to have a snack and pound out some quick studying.
Other than that... any kind of play place where she'll settle in: Monkey Business, Pump it up, Jump Street, etc. (although I think PIU doesn't have open play on weekends?)
Honestly for me with 2 of them I either needed them in a situation where an adult was watching them or I had to stick them in front of the TV.
Any chance you could swap some play date time with a neighbor? Ask if you can have a friend over for a bit today and maybe they could take her for a bit tomorrow? I do this with friends all the time when I know they're in a pinch and need some child care.
Total score: 6 pregnancies, 5 losses, 2 amazing blessings that I'm thankful for every single day.
Where is this?
@Jes, if you head west on I70 and follow signs to Lookout Mountain (and kind of follow your gut and just keep going up), you wind up at the summit of Lookout where there's quite a bit of stuff: some great hiking trails that overlook the Denver skyline, the Boettcher Mansion where they have events, and the Nature Center where they have a small set of exhibits, a kids reading and play area, a deck with binoculars so you can look closer into the surrounding woods, etc. It's free and I've taken the kids up there a few times to let them run through the paths just down from the Center. (Coincidentally, it's where we found a Woody doll lying on one of the paths - which I found to be the definition of irony.)