I got a call from my husband while I was out with friends this afternoon that my 14 month old son ate cat poop out of the litter box - he definitely had poop in his mouth and DH is pretty positive he had to have swallowed some. Our cat is 7 years old and an indoor cat. I had him call the pedi just to see if there is anything to be concerned about and she said that there isn't much to be done and most likely we will be fine. She did mention a remote chance of toxoplasmosis but didn't feel we should be concerned. Just wanted to see what you all thought as well.
I know it is very risky for pregnant women and those with weakened immune systems. I had just scooped the litter last night so it had not been sitting around long and I know that when I was trying to get pregnant they checked me for antibodies and I didn't have them for toxo. This was surprising as I have been around cats my whole life and the first one we had growing up was an outdoor/indoor cat that often caught mice, birds and rabbits.
I'm trying not to worry but just wanted to see what other experienced cat owning parents thought.
Re: DS ate cat poop!