Up until this point, I've absolutely refused to buy any Apple products for a variety of reasons. I have a regular mp3 player for workouts, a regular cell phone without all the bells and whistles that smartphones have, and I love my PC... I'm pretty much the chubby, bald, PC guy from the old Apple commercials. :-) However, I think I may be starting to slip a bit as I'm becoming more and more interested in the iPad... it's probably just due to all the hysteria and hype about them lately, but I can't help but wonder if maybe it'd be worth it to get one.
My big question is: What exactly can I do with it? I don't have kids (so I wouldn't be playing videos during long trips), I'm a teacher (so it wouldn't help keep me connected during day-to-day business), and I love the feeling (and smell) of a real book in my hands as opposed to an e-book. Is it worth it to even get an iPad? What could I use it for? Better yet, what do YOU use it for? Is there a non-Apple alternative that works just as well?
Re: Is an iPad for me?
I am a teacher as well....I personally didn't like it....I returned it! You can try it out for 2 weeks for a 50 fee.....I didn't anticipate not liking it, but I really didn't ....I don't know if the newer ones are better....I couldn't open emails from school, we use a different kind of website...the touch screen was so sensitive that it would open things that I wouldn't want...Please keep in mind this was the one that was sold 2 years ago...
My hubby is a computer programmer and he was very disappointed with it as well...So in the end I just got a new laptop!
Many people like it, I guess it just depend on the person
we have 2 and i never use them... DH does, and the kids love them - so i'm happy we have them b/c the kids have learned a lot with the apps, but if it was just for me- i would have no real use for one.
I have an iPhone and love that... but see no reason for ME to have an iPad.
I honestly don't even know what my "wants" could be, because I don't know what the tablets are capable of other than what the general descriptions on websites say. I guess I've just been wondering whether or not I'm missing out on something really incredible that could make my life a million times better, haha.
LOL, I know what you mean!
There are amazing apps for teachers and it's such a fun tool to use...We have an older iPad and it's great for quick reference, recipes, storing photos, reading books/magazines...I'd go to the Apple store and check one out.