A is sleeping 8 hours a night now but she goes to bed early so she wakes up at like 3 or 4 to eat. Last night I decided that it was time for her to sleep in her crib in her room with L. I figured when she was going to wake up I would just get her and bring her in with us till the morning since she goes back to sleep till like 7 after eating. I wanted to try it because I want my room back, and I want L to get used to having her in there and I feel like it is just time for her to get to sleep in her crib instead of a pack n play.
So this is how it went- they both went to bed around 8 with no problem. A woke up at 3:30 and she was not crying loud at all but I jumped up and got her to feed her. L immediately woke up and started hysterical crying saying she wants to sleep in our bed. I say no, DH goes in and says no. An hour later L is in my room asking to come into my bed. I take her to the potty and say no. She goes back to her bed. 5am she comes into our bed and I hardly notice and we all sleep till 7.
I don't want this to become a habit. Should I just not put A in the room and go back to the way things were or should we be consistent, continue to put A in the room and hope that L gets used to her waking and doesn't wake up.
It was so nice watching tv in bed last night and being able to put on my pj's with the lights on but I really don't feel like having L fall into bad habits now.
Re: Mom's of 2 kids who share a room question/opinion.
The Journey of Me
Vacation, 2011
my guys are obviously different b/c they are twins and have been on the same schedule since they were infants - but occasionally one does wake up crying in the middle of the night- and it never wakes the other.... they are so used to it. I also keep a white noise machine on so it doesn't seem like such a big noise when one cries.
i'd work on getting the baby to STTN and not need to wake and eat - and it will solve 2 problems in one