I wanted to post on Friday, but the nest died.
I have a rather annoying co-worker (for a variety of reasons), but she really made me mad on Friday.
Due to the high winds Thursday, I had a bad asthma flair up. I had a horrible cough all day Friday. This girl (who's actually older than me) and her parents told me that I needed to go home because they didn't want me to get the whole office sick.
First, it's asthma, pretty sure you're not gonna catch that.
Second, you're not my boss (we're all in real estate so everyone is essentially their own boss) and you're not in a position to tell me what to do.
This really ticked me off. I do not come to work when I'm sick, and I saw no reason to stay home with asthma.
Should I have stayed home even though I had something that wasn't contagious?
Re: Co worker vent
Katie Talks About...
Besides, the purposes of staying home sick are to not infect the office, and let your body rest & heal if needed. You're obviously not going to pass asthma, and it sounds like you were healthy enough to work.
The only legitimizing I can offer them is if your coughing became an annoyance as far as sound...
I remember having a sinus infection at one of my first office jobs, and I let about 2 weeks go by before finally going to the doc and getting antibiotics. My supervisor pulled me aside the day after I went asking if I was doing anything for it - apparently a couple of my CWs had asked (with the best of intentions) if I was getting it treated since the noise of it was impacting those around me. I hadn't realized it, but when I thought more it was obvious that my coughing was affecting more people than myself.