DS is transitioning to a twin bed, from his crib... he just turned 3. Last night was the first night and he was up a bunch of times....... crawled out of bed and walked to his door (he's gated in) and called for us.... he was hungry, he was thirsty, he was cold, etc. I figure there's several ways to handle it.... and could love to hear how other parent's have handled it and what has been most successful. We kind of did a combo of things last night. I figure out options are:
1- go in his room and put him back in his bed, with little dialogue, just put him back in...
2- Ignore him and let him cry it out, just at his gated door instead of in his crib
3- go into his room and put him in bed, and try and rub his back to get him calm and back to sleep.
What has worked for you? Thanks!
Re: Transition to big boy bed... help!!!!
1- go in his room and put him back in his bed, with little dialogue, just put him back in...
thats what has been working for us