The girls are just over 5 weeks, and they seem to want to eat constantly. I suppose it could be a growth spurt but it really has been like this since they have been home. I feel like once I get one calmed down, the other needs constant attention so I don't get a break let alone a nap during the day. Will they eventually get consistent nap times or do I need to do something?
Nights aren't great but aren't horrible either. Some nights they take forever to put to sleep and usually get up 2 times between 11 and 5. After 5 we are lucky to get an hour before they get up. I can see a pretty big difference between day and night so at least I know they have that figured out. When and how do I start establishing a bedtime? I feel like they aren't quite ready for a bedtime earlier than 8 or 9. Last night they didn't settle till 11.
I have a feeling all of this is pretty normal but just want some hope that things will get easier over the next couple of months. What would I give for at least an hour or two during the day to get things done or a long (5-6 hr) stretch of sleep.
I keep telling myself it could be much worse though!!!
Re: It gets easier, right? :-)
First 6 weeks are survival mode and then you'll see it get better. At 3 months, I felt like we really turned a corner and things were looking up.
If you have twins and both of them know that night time is for sleeping, you're doing great! Having a baby that mixed up days and nights was horrible and hard to turn around.
Hang in there momma. You're doing a great job.
I don't remember a ton of the last year, unfortunately! I know it got a little easier at 2 months, again at 4, and then again when try could sit up and crawl. It's easier now too, though two are still kicking my butt way more than one. Mine are also AWFUL sleepers, and the twin part makes that harder too. They wake each other a lot. G has an EI right now, I think, and just when he finally stop crying and go to sleep, M would start in.
Hang in there! You're definitely I'm the thick of it!
Ditto this exactly. The first 6 weeks is life in the trenches. After that, you will start to see semblances of a schedule coming through. The schedule will change over time as they do, eating increases, sleep increases, activity and so on. Hang in there. You'll get a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel pretty soon.
DD -- 5YO
DS -- 3YO
It DOES get easier, I promise. I have really vague memories of the first couple months of Little G's life - and my big boys too.
I can only imagine how much harder it would be to juggle twins in this stage. It sounds like you're doing a great job though.
1st 6 weeks is like an alternate state of being (barely being,) and that 3 month mark really does seem to have some sort of magical power.
You are doing great!!! (My mom always says that having 2 wasn't much different than having 1 - but she only ever had twins, so HTH would she know!? I think she is still a little nutty from having raised us!
Spirit of Power
Eat, Drink, and be Keri
It definitely does get easier. Everyone is right in that the first 6w are crazy. You have made it this far with 2 - you are doing awesome!!! With both of my kids, they finally started to get into more of a predictable routine around 3 mo.
Hang in there!