Sigh. I'm kind of dealing with a personal "I told you so". I switched jobs in mid-November for a few reasons:
new job is 8 blocks from V's school. New job doesn't require driving. New job helps us save $150/month on benefits. New job doesn't require weekends.
My old job was driving me insane. I had no help. I was working 6-7 days a week, driving 2000 miles a month. I was micromanaged with paperwork and just stressed out constantly.
However. My boss just quit at new job. Too much micromanaging, underpaid and health reasons. I also took a pretty big pay cut to take this job. I've been seeing a few home health patients evenings and weekends to help make up the pay - so I'm still working 6 days a week.
Old job has hired a new rehab director who my former coworkers have told me is wonderful and has really cut back on the micromanaging aspect. One former coworker is 35 weeks pg and put her foot down and said she is only doing X amount of patients per week and they have stuck to that. Before I left they offered me the same deal: X patients per week and $5/more per hour.
My replacement quit effective last Friday at my old job. They are in a position now to be accommodating to my requests (30 visits/week during school, 28 visits a week in the summer so I can work 4 days instead of 5 plus the $5 pay raise). If I could do that and they would be agreeable and stick to it, I know I could be happier in that job than this job. And I wouldn't have to work evenings or weekends to make the extra $ up that I'm missing with this job.
Would you go to them with that offer? Or would you stick out a job that isn't really working for you (I'm already having to cut my hours due to patient caseload) but is convenient to home and school?
Re: Work WWND (long)
I would make a pros/cons list. I tend to put work/life balance as very high on my must have's, but I also would look at which position you have the most opportunity for growth and career advancement.
Would going back to the old job take a lot of time away from being with your family?? Do you need the extra $$ to live more comfortabley?
Growing Up Olson
This is what I would do.
Do it!
It definitely sounds like you'd have better quality of life with your family.