A little backstory: We got our current foster Jada a couple of weeks ago. She had a little cough when she got excited but nothing major and it cleared up last week. She's on antibiotics for heartworms.
Over the last few days, our resident dog Ace has started coughing and sneezing and having what sounds like an asthma attack almost. He's eating normally and acting fine though. Most of the coughing, etc. is at night. He is not an active dog by nature. We adopted him over a year ago and his estimated birthday is August 2004. He has been on steroids several times over the last 9 months or so for allergies... he literally tears his skin open scratching and chewing.
So MH took him to the vet this morning and the vet gave him meds for probable kennel cough. However... he also mentioned he is concerned that most of Ace's coughing is at night and *thinks* he could be in heart failure. He said b/c the heart is at rest at night, he's more likely to cough, etc. if it is heart failure. My first thought was that dog is at rest all of the time (haha) which MH explained. If the meds don't work in a few days, they want to do an x-ray to see if there's any enlarging of his heart.
May I please have some positive Pestie vibes and/or T&P that you could spare that this is just a simple case of kennel cough? If you have any opinion about what the vet said, I'd appreciate hearing it as well - thanks so much ladies!
Re: Need Pestie positive vibes please!