A little backstory first.... I am on the Board of Directors for New York Renaissance Festivals Friends of Faire Organization. I am the Lodge Keeper. My duties include making sure there are appetizers available every day for our members We are 123 people but not everyone is there every day. I also run our annual Memorial day Monday Potluck in which we include the cast ( another 70 members.)
Since the faire is only open in Aug. and Sept. according to our bylaws we need to have a fall/spring meeting ( and we make this a potluck as well)... up until this year it was held at out Presidents house. ( she just stepped down as of Sept.) Our group had gotten to large for her house and we planned on having out someplace this year anyway. She used to pay for custom invites for this eventout of her own pocket I can not afford to do a written invite at all. Last year we had about 90 people. I found a place to have the party but it is not very large and I can squeeze in anywhere from 104 to 114 if need be. We have a Yahoo group but not everyone is part of the Yahoo group. I can do a poll to get responses but that will not give me an accurate head count withoout me doing a paper list of spouses etc. Plus I will not know who didn't answer.
Is there an E-vite site that I can send out and invite say its sent to one person but I can send it with a + 1 so when they respond it resonds as 2 and not 1 so I have an accurate head count but I also need to do a food list for the potluck. The date is only 33 days away ( only date I could get, I have been trying to find a place for over a year) I also wanted to know if you can send a reminder to those that do not respond to it etc. I know I will have to send a couple of snail mail invies. My other concern is that it will end up in their spam folder or they will delete it. Also the thought of having to type in 130 emails is nuts. Please tell me what e-vites sites you have used and the pro's con's to them. If you read this far in my rambling Thanks. What e-vites sites can you recommend I have never sent one I had one sent to me once but do not remember site. I will hopefully be getting in touch with the venue today and booking the date so I need to do this invite in the next day or so. Thanks for reading and thanks in advance for any help or suggestions you have.
Re: E-vites questions....Please tell me the best ones (very very long)
its evite.com and through the site you can also track what each person is bringing. their is a feature for that.
i am pretty sure you can copy and past in evite too. so if you have a list of everyone's email just copy it into evite
As a former meeting planner, here's my two cents.
Use evites.com. Yes, you might end up with the emails going to a person's spam folder but you can't control that. Yes, it means importing email addresses unless there's a feature to import from Excel (if that's how the addresses are stored).
You should also post on the Yahoo group that evites were sent out. Ask people to share the evite with others in case someone didn't get it. Use networking as much as possible to get the word out.
There are always going to be people who don't RSVP, even with paper invites. That's why you overshoot by about 2-5% when ordering food. If you go to a hotel or other place that does catering they will factor this into the amount of food they prepare based on your numbers.
Here's what i would do- use Evites.com
First send everyone an email from your email account telling them to watch their junk mail folder for the next 2 days to ensure they don't miss the invitation. Let everyone know to respond with the appropriate amount of people (they can plus 1 themselves) plus what they will be contributing to the meal.
Make the title of the event something recognizable from the start so that if only the first word shows up in the subject line of their acct, they'll recognize it.