our good friend's dog passed away this weekend (he was only six too) i feel so badly for him. this dog got him through his divorce and meant the world to him. we want to do something but no clue WHAT.
AND the bigger question
WHAT do we tell belle??? she is a HUGE animal lover. like doesn't know our friends names but knows all their dogs name. and we are over their house a lot and they bring their dogs over (the wife has another dog) so she will notice he isn't around anymore.
she sorta gets death. but she puts it into her own ideals. like my dad she knows we won't see him anymore we told her that he's died and states he's on the moon (hey wahtever works) she knows my grandmother is gone too.but honestly she's seen this dog more then she saw either of them!
ugh i hate this. this is why i am working on cloning my dog so when he dies we can just bring the new dog in and her and i will be none the wiser!
Re: friends dog died-wwyd
Sorry to hear that. The poor doggie
My family dog died last summer rather unexpectedly, and it was so heartbreaking for all of us. I saw a few cards from friends at my parents' house, and it was nice to know that friends were thinking of us. I got a ton of Facebook messages, too, which was also nice.
I think sending your friend a card would be nice. If you feel like it, maybe include a small gift card to a local takeout place with a note like, "Get a pizza/sandwich on us if you don't feel like cooking." You could make a donation to a local animal shelter in the dog's honor.
IDK what to tell your DD, sorry. I know there's the Rainbow Bridge poem (which I can't read or think of without crying, lol) that says that pets wait for you until the time you can enter Heaven together. Maybe that'd help, if you believe in an afterlife?
i like the donation idea to an animal shelter. i might do it to the dogs breed (samoyad or something)
it makes me so sad
I also like a card with a donation to the animal shelter or rescue group. Also, if you can find one, we always get an ornament that has a picture slot and put a picture of the passed away pet in it. It's always a nice reminder at the holidays.
The above is just an example. Obviously, the 2011 is a little outdated.