So we're buying a house in a different town. But we've been waiting 3 weeks and counting to hear if they'll replace the septic. there are still plenty of room to go wrong with buying, we could end up staying put.
Tball sign ups are this week, and all along we wanted her to play- for fun AND so she could get to know the kids she'll be going to school with. I have no idea which town to register her for. It's basically a coin toss.
More importantly is Kindergarten registration. I thought I'd just wait on it until it was all said and done, but i looked at the forms for our current town and it's all like they MUST have the paperwork by March something. What if they don't? What if we just moved to town? Do i just register her and then if we move, call them and "cancel"?
Re: WWYD moving town limbo... school, sports, etc...
Christie-Mommy to Sabrina 12.9.05 and Th
The town we live in now charges 40 for t-ball, the town we HOPE we'll be moving to will be 30, plus a possible extra 20 late fee, not sure if we passed the deadline or not, i see conflicting info out there. i emailed that town to see if what would happen if we ended up not living there, if she'd be forced to drop from the team, or if they'd let her play (it's 5 year old t-ball after all, it's not like they'd be accused of bringing in a ringer)
I guess we'll keep waiting on the schools and just do it as soon as we know. You're right, they can't refuse her, we'll just say we were set to move but it fell through. I know i can't register her in the new town because we don't have proof of residency. But i'll get the forms for both schools so that she can have her medical stuff filled out at her well visit in a couple weeks i guess.
I can't believe i'm so conflicted over T-BALL! part of me just wants to say "eh, we don't need to sign up, whatever" but she's been wanting to join for well over a year, her friends next door (older) all play softball, she's counting down, there's no way i can just skip over it.
yes, the new town said that i can register her. since it's not competitive it's not a big deal. But now another thing to think about- one town does actual T-Ball, the other does "ponytail softball" with the coach doing a slow pitch with a lighter ball.