I like to keep a handful of bully sticks in the house for Jackson. He doesn't get them on a daily/weekly basis - just every so often. He's a lab and typically doesn't have a sensative stomach. However, the last couple of times he's had a bully stick (the 6" ones), he's had an upset tummy the next day. He had a 12" one the time before this and was totally fine. I'm not sure if it's a coincidence or an actual problem. My question is - could it be bully sticks in general? Has anyone else experienced this?
I know, to solve this, stop giving him bully sticks. And we probabaly will, moving forward. Just curious if anyone else's dogs have an issue with them too. If so, is there anything similar out there?
Re: Bully Sticks - stomach issues
Keefe will have issues with some brands of bully sticks. I usually buy Moo brand because they are grass fed angus beef, no smell, and do very well on his system. I tried one of the discount sites that people recommend on here and he had digestive issues with them.
Do you let him swallow the end of the bully stick? I take them away when they get very small as having that large chunk in his stomach could cause issues. This is why I buy at least 12 inches, sometimes 48 inches of a different brand so there is less waste.
Haven't tried the antlers yet - I'll look into that. Thanks.
Link - I never thought that the length made a difference until now. You bring a good point. And I don't take the end away from him since he's usually under the kitchen table enjoying them. I now have 4 6" bully sticks - maybe the store will let me exchange them. I've gotten them from Dogs and Company near Ledo's. Have you been there?