According to a post on the Bump, Amazon Mom is accepting new accounts again. I wanted to sign up before baby came, but they stopped taking new members for a while. However, I just went to sign up and it says you get three months of Amazon Prime and Amazon Mom benefits for free and then it's $79 a year. They wanted me to give my credit card in order to sign up.
I guess I'm confused as I thought Amazon Mom was free and as long as you continue to purchase a certain amount, they'll continue to extend your Amazon Prime membership for free. I really don't care about the Amazon Prime portion, but really would like the 20% discount on diapers by also enrolling in the subscribe and save.
Did they change the way this is set up now or am I missing something? And do you think it's worth it for diapers or can you get better deals in stores with coupons?
Re: Amazon Mom Question
Growing Up Olson
Yeah they changed it quite a bit from last year. I know the diapers I buy are not as discounted now as they were before. But I pph Amazon and now that I have a Kindle Fire I will be buying the Prime anyway I am sure.
I think Costco's prices on diapers are probably better now that they took the good deals away.