So, a trillion years ago I had a facebook account. It was when it was still new and not too many people were on it. I think I had one friend, an old girlfriend from college. Maybe one or two more, but like I said, it was a very long time ago. Anyway, for personal reasons, my husband and I both decided to not be on there so we both deactivated our accounts.
I have periodically gotten emails from facebook or someone/thing posing as facebook. I have ignored them. Well, the other day, I got an email saying that my account had been reactivated with an iphone. I have no iphone. I googled it and found that it was just a way that facebook has used to kind of trick people into reactivating their account. Then yesterday I got a status update from who I think is my only friend on there emailed to me.
What do you think? Do you think facebook is still trying to "trick" me into reactivating my account or do you think that my account has somehow, indeed, already been reactivated? Should I try to log in and re-deactivate?
Re: facebook question
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Seattle Knotties: Please page me if you send me a PM!
TTC #2 for a million years: SA normal, CD 23 bloodwork shows nothing amiss, ovulation detected. Next step: ? maybe CD3 bloodwork to check eggs? All out of pocket, so limited IF tests/treatments.
I'd log onto your account and follow the instructions here if you want to delete it once and for all.
I know a ton of people who work at Facebook and they don't generally send out e-mails to try and lure people back (especially not people who have been off it for as long as you have). A few possibilities:
1. Most likely, this is a phishing scam - don't click on any of the links. My guess is they'd re-direct you to a "log in" page, have you log in, and then take your password / account info and try to blast / scam your friends.
2. Sometimes, when people search for friends on Facebook using e-mail addresses (your friends can put them in), Facebook will ask them if they want to send an e-mail inviting you to join - it's possible your friend did that and that's why you got the e-mail from the friend.
If I were you, I'd follow the link Keri provided above to permanently delete your account. If I recall correctly, the process takes about 2 weeks (they do that so people don't suddenly make rash decisions), but then everything is taken off their servers. If you decide you want to be on Facebook at all, there are a ton of privacy settings you can utilize (for example, you can make yourself invisible online so that no one can search you, find you, or see anything you post anywhere) so you could consider that if you want to keep your account active, but it doesn't sound like you need one now.
If you have any questions about FB, feel free to PM me. I know just about everything there is to know about it, and if I don't know the answer myself I know a bunch of people who can find the answer for me easily.