C has been congested (again). Chances are he's going to need his adenoids out again and until that happens, he's going to be congested.
Got a call from the nurse saying he was in her office, greenish runny nose, no temp. I explained the situation YET again and sent him back to class.
Fast forward 2 hours. I get a call from his teacher saying he's been off the past few days and he just got on the bus crying. I grab tissues when the bus gets here, sure enough, still crying. Bring him in, get him on the potty and cleaned up.. Still crying. Gave him something to drink, wont touch it, wont eat. and still crying. Now B is crying b/c its lunch time. So I throw her mac-n-chs in the microwave and get back to C..
Yeah well PSA no water in the cup = fire in the microwave.
So now smoke is billowing out of the microwave, house is thick with smoke. I'm running around like a nut trying to open windows, close bedroom doors, turn fans on, disconnect smoke alarms before they start blaring.. And finally in all of the chaos C was so fascinated that he stopped crying..
We have a dr's appt at 3:30.. UGH..
Re: sick boy and I almost burnt down my house