The state has this on their website:
people under the age of 17 are required to wear
an approved helmet when cycling, roller skating,
in-line skating, or skateboarding.
So does my 2.5 year old need to wear a helmet while riding (or me pushing) his tricycle? Do they make helmets to fit 2-year-olds? I think he'd LIKE the helmet (he loves hats) but wasn't sure. I want him to be safe but wasn't sure if this was overkill.
Re: Bicycle Helmet Laws
Abby's had the same helmet since she was 9 months old when she would go on the trailer on mh's bike. They don't grow out of helmet's that fast.
Aaron hasn't even ridden his trike yet (a Hanukkah present from my BFF) and I'm thinking he'd start on my patio first. I wasn't too worried re: a helmet in my yard but I figured I should get him used to it (ie. bike = helmet).
It's funny that he wore two DOC Band helmets as an infant (of course a totally different situation) but he hasn't been a on a bike/trike yet and this will be new to him.