My son is almost 4- he knows all the letters- identifies them both upper case and lower case. He also knows all his numbers. But he has no interest in writing any letters with a crayon or pencil. He loves to watch me to it and says "mommy you do it" He'll color and draw- but does not want to write letters and numbers.
He's turning 4 in April and I'm not stressing about it, but I can't help but notice that some other kids his age are writing. My one friend's son does write letters but I do think that also has to do with the fact she has two older daughters who are like 'mini-mothers' to her son and like to 'play teacher' with him.
Anyway, like I said, I'm not stressing, but I'd like to know if anyone has some tips, etc for getting them interested in writing. His preschool teacher keeps insisting that it will "click" one day and he'll just want to start writing.
Thanks :-)
Re: tips for getting my kid interested in writing letters
Spread shaving cream on a flat surface, let him write them with his fingers on that.
Take a sheet of paper, fold it into fourths, he can stamp the letter, write it in pencil, write it in crayon, and write it in marker.
Use sand paper, he can write it with his finger on the sand paper.
Dry erase board with dry erase markers.
No, I haven't tried them. Can you buy them in a store or do you have to go through one of their centers?
I have a free iPhone app m likes. He also has a Leapstter game that does letters.
But I feel now that he just traces and I need/want to get him interested in writing without the dots to guide him.