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Flame free confessions - Leap Day edition!
Anything that happens today doesn't count, right?
Re: Flame free confessions - Leap Day edition!
can this week count for that.
i just want it to be friday already
I have had that Applebottom Jeans song (and the boots with furrrrr. The whole club lookin' at herrrrr) in my head all morning. And now it's paired with the visual of Tom Cruise's character in Tropic Thunder rocking out to it.
I'm *this close* to eating a third breakfast this morning. So starving.
I doubt we will paint our remodeled bathroom for another week and a half, or more. We spent a fair amount of money on it and it's going to continue to look like sh!t until we man up and paint and finish it.
I'm done with the Occupy DCers. They're protesting at my building today. Apparently they're against Monsanto. Part of me is wondering how they picked that one company, among the other large corporations with offices here. Pretty lame reconaissance on their part. The whole movement is so disorganized and doesn't have an agenda that can actually bring about meaningful change, so I wish they'd all go back home and get out of the way.
No flames here. I've had paint samples up on the wall in our guest room for well over a year at this point, have picked which color I want, and have yet to actually paint the room. And there are no plans to do so anytime soon.
I am dreading DHs upcoming surgery. I am worried about him but I am being completely selfish and more worried about how it is going to impact me. Basically, he can do nothing for 8 long weeks- no picking up anything that weighs more than 5 pounds for 8 weeks and no driving for 4 weeks= me to do daycare drop-off/pick-up, cleaning, cooking, grocery shopping, child care, bath time, plus taking him to PT, doctors appointment, etc... I know I am being a baby but 8 weeks is a long time.
Also, I have been at work an hour and my productivity level is pretty darn low.
I'm waiting on some anxiety-inducing test results from my doctor, and have been less than productive all week. Doesn't help that he told me he thought they'd be back Monday, but I haven't heard anything yet.
I had the biggest bowl of cereal of my life for breakfast this morning. I knew it was too much when I poured it out, but I was too lazy to dump some back in the box. I am stuffed, but this has not stopped me from eating the peppermint patties I have in my desk at work.
Much of my office heads off to LA for our annual meeting next week. This is the first year I don't have to go. I plan on being spectacularly unproductive while they are gone.
This sucks. Last year, my brother had to have surgery on his chest/shoulder/arm area that involved taking out a rib and a muscle and rerouting all the veins and arteries in there. Each time he had to live with my parents for about 3 months afterwards since he couldn't drive, walk his dog, or do most things for himself.
The surgery was supposed to solve the problem, but it didn't, so now he needs another surgery this summer that will involve him living with my parents for an extended period of time again. It is super rough on all of them.
I am so OVER being pregnant. I had a really easy preganancy with DD and this time around, I am so uncomfortable and tired and hormonal already. I'm only 23 weeks. I've got a ways to go.
I am annoyed that both of the people in my section are out today and my boss keeps sending me taskers. It is a rainy, dreary Wednesday - I don't want to be productive today!
I am bummed that my sister has whooping cough and I was around her the weekend before last, so I can't meet my BFF's new baby (born Monday) until I know I definitely do not have whooping cough as well (apparently it can take up to ten days to have symptoms). Where the hell did my sister get whooping cough from anyway?
I am also annoyed that as HOA treasurer, I have to call people and remind them that their assessment payments are way past due. People, I have sent you letters, posted signs in the common areas, and left you voice messages - don't make me take away your parking privileges!
Basically, I am just cranky today.
Baby248 - ETA 1/10/13
this is the third time DH has had this same, exact surgery so I know exactly what I am getting into and that makes it so much worse
I feel like if it was a new and different surgery- at least I could live in a land of denial about an easy recovery. But no, this is the same surgery that had multiple complications and landed us in the cardiac care unit at useless fairfax hospital last year. Boo.
dh and i went out this weekend and did not get home until 4am on sunday morning. i had a tastefully simple party that afternoon (OMG i wanted to die) and then had random stuff to take care of before going to bed at ...midnight. sigh.
i am seriously considering working from home on friday just to catch up on what i should have done this weekend instead of behaving like a 22 year old.
my 1/2 marathon is in two weeks. i will finish but i have not nearly "trained" for this like i was supposed to/wanted too. i have this grand plans of doing thing and then they just get stuck my work/life/best intentions.
finally, the biggest FFC, we are trying to plan a beach vacation for May. this is a total first world problem but i am starting to get stressed out on where we are going to go. we want to do a basic, relaxing vacation on a beach without spending a fortune but i just can't pull the trigger and actually book something.
I had a 9:00 meeting in DC that I was supposed to go today, but didn't. A coworker had to go for me. I feel really bad, but this is a weekly meeting that is pretty useless. The likelihood that I will go on any regular basis is pretty slim. I am going to see if I can call in, rather than trek into the city for it. I do feel bad that my coworker had to go for me, but the fact is that I don't think we should have to go.
I am also over being pregnant. This one is way more uncomfortable than the first.
I think that, because this is an extra day, we should get overtime for it.
Lastly, I'm totally eating McDonald's for lunch today.
My confession - when I heard they were at Monsanto, I kinda wanted to go join them. I don't think there's a more evil company on the planet than Monsanto, especially given this latest news.
I feel your pain. Why is it so hard to pull the trigger!!!??? We, too, are trying to book something and were invited to join my BFF and her husband in the Bahamas the week of our anniversary/BFF's DH's birthday. It would be so.much.fun, but the dates/resort that they booked with airfare for 4 nights non-AI is over 2X the cost of what we were looking at to do AI for 7 nights. And the flights suck. But it would be so much fun - so we're probably going to do it anyway and just suck it up and spend more. Gaaah.
My FFC is that there is a woman at work that I HATE. I literally CRINGE when I see the caller ID with her name, and I turn into an absolute contrary ridiculous *** anytime I have to deal with her. Like, cutoff my nose to spite my face ridiculous. I don't know why I can't just get over it. But I hate her. And seriously, she is calling me right now.
this made me laugh out loud! you should totally work from home on friday!
last night, i watched the cutting edge because my friend had texted me while watching it on monday. it is quintessential early 90s cheesiness and i just couldn't stop watching it.
LOL! This made my day - thanks!
Ha - they're at my house right now!
I could have written this!
I have two - one that is only mildly flame-able, and one that is VERY.
Mild - DH just emailed to say he will be home late tonight. It's my telework day, so it's really no problem - I'll do daycare/preschool pick up, etc. I have plenty of time to make a home cooked meal for the kids. Instead I will use this as an excuse to make a convenient/unhealthy meal for them and me.
Very - I cannot stand hearing my one coworker complain about being overwhelmed. We have exactly the same job, so I am intimately familiar with what her work load is. We're friendly enough to share personal stuff - and I know that she really does not have a whole lot going on in he personal life. So shut up. I like you, but shut up. You cannot possibly be more stressed than me. You just like to complain. SHUT IT.
Hmm... now I get being against Monsanto. But I don't understand how that translates protesting an entire office building (of which Monsanto is a small tenant) and hollering "this building is closed" to people trying to go to work and supposedly throwing one woman against the windows for trying to enter when who knows what company she works for. It's not like I work in Monsanto HQ. Why should everyone in the building be at risk for physical violence just for happening to share a building with them?
1. I am working from home today. Which meant I worked until 10:30 last night, and then slept until (gasp) 7:30. And only got up then bc I had to be at the dr's office for a fasting blood draw at 8:30am.
2. Maids came today (we must all be on the same schedule! like periods!). Did a meh job, but it was better than me having to do it, so I pay them and try not to complain when I need "extra" things done.
3. Sears repairman was two hours late, but he did call. And yes, we now have to buy a new washer (might as well also throw a new dryer in, too). Which wouldn't be so bad if I had not, JUST THIS MORNING, clicked "buy" on a new laptop! DAMMIT. (the laptop sale ends today, and it saved me $500. but still. DAMMIT)
4. I am tired of working, and we have a HUGE leadership meeting here next week. Which means I have to move to the Grand Hyatt for the week, and ... ugh. Makes my head hurt.
5. Like Artslvr, John's late tonight (every Wed., he plays Wallyball). I can work late, again, and not have to entertain him. There are so many levels of flame there.
6. Work-wise, I love my job, really I do. But I have spent at least 1/2 of every day --srsly -- mediating between a volunteer leader's WIFE -- not even the volunteer! -- and staff. I am not a trained therapist, and I am losing my patience. I'm a-gonna snap.
7. I secretly want my son to get married soon so they can have babies and I can be a grandmother. I want to hold a baby, desparately. (Yeah, this is at least 5 years off.)
"What is a week-end?"
Hopefully they don't complain too much about your referral. L. did call me after Christmas to say how much she appreciated the opportunity to work with us. I'm hoping that sentiment is still going strong.
I love the cutting edge!!
My Food Blog
I totally dropped the ball on this week's homework. Hopefully my partner isn't pissed as I'm totally willing to redo everything so it's super nice for next week (we're not handing anything in until the end of classes).
I've just been SO VERY TIRED lately that I sleep when Sprout sleeps & I go to bed at 8pm. It's hard to do technical work when you're propping your eyelids open & even caffeine stops working.
I actually think she must be mad at me. My SIL got a Christmas card from L, none for me. And she called you to thank you? Um, yeah, I didn't get that call. And yet I've referred her to about seight people. *pouting* = also flameable.