this week i plan to have the talk with my MAIN boss about getting me away from the second group. im burning out big time and the work is suffering. and seriously its not like we can't hire someone we are hiring in LEAPS and bounds. they just don't want to rock the boat with this guy because to hire someone that can handle him is a task. i know they are hoping i ride it out till he retires in 3 more years.
so he gets back from vacation he was in colorado for the week. i come in to find a 12 pack of mine and ken's FAVEORITE colorado beer. and a present for the kids.
sometimes he can be SO thoughtful and other times he can be such a schmuck.
and i did something for him this am and he was all thank you your awesome.
dude your not making this easy on me. its like he knows i am about to have this conversation. and what makes it worse is i KNOW he's going to be offended and sad but i just can't take it anymore
i need jekel to come out. i am sure he will at some point this morning.