he buys what he wants when he sees it at a good price.
his amazon wishlist has three items - and one we already have (it's on there so he remembers the name/link when someone asks about it) and one is not happening ($300 dry ice machine - lol! losing power for a week really affected him this past fall) and the third is something he wants but often says it's just silly (nespresso aerocinno plus).
he doesn't need more tools and hasn't mentioned looking for anything anyway.
last year, we filled a home depot bucket with all sorts of refresher items from home depot - painter tape, flat pencils, new canvas caddy thingy, clamps, etc.
i just have no ideas, and i feel so bad. he looks forward to march and celebrates his birthday all month - lol. i know he likes presents.
Re: have no gift for dh's birthday
If it makes you feel better I "gave" MH a BluRay player for his b-day. There is no way in hell I'm going to buy him an electronic. He is way too picky.
So basically I told him to buy himself one. He still hasn't because money has been tight lately (damn cat).
But he bought me the entire Harry Potter collection on BluRay for Christmas so now I can't even watch them. lol.
What if you get him a bunch of little "treats" that he likes and give him one every few days so he gets presents all month.
a gift card to his favorite place to buy coffee
a gc to lowes/home depot
a magazine subscription
a new DVD
a gc to take him to the movies
his favorite candy, gum, snacks
a sport shirt of his favorite team (Modell's has some really great sales)
a bottle of his favorite drink or a six pack of beer
what a selfish biatch! You only wanted to "give" him that so you can watch your harry potter?! hahahah
I am "giving" terrell money for a tattoo that he has wanted to get since 2006 in memory of his brother. I keep telling him no, nad I know he really wants it, so I'm biting the bullet. Kinda dumb since our money is shared anyway, so he can just go to the atm and take it out himself, but...I guess him knowing i'm fine with it will make him happy.
see why it's so hard for me?!
you vetoed all the stuff I would give, make a nice dinner, give him a blow job and call it a day.
I'd get him the Nespresso so that he has a physical gift to open. If it's on his wishlist, it means he wants it. The fact that he says it's a silly gift just means he likely can't justify buying it himself. There are tons of things I'd love to have that I know are ridiculous and I'd never buy them for myself, but if someone else got them for me I'd be happy (especially because I wouldn't have to deal with the guilt of knowing I bought it).
And then take him out for a nice romantic dinner (just the two of you) and end the night with the BJ rec posted above. ;-)
this is all my hsuband would require. He wouldn't even care about the nice dinner, in fact.
lol - i veto your idea too!
Lol. His bday was before Christmas. I think he bought be a "useless" gift to make a point