Let me know if you would like to be added or have anything changed!
***To be added to the list you must be an active participant of the WCF Board***
Alicia/diamondgrrl5: EDD: 2/22/2012- Team Blue
Ryan/2008PelicanBride: EDD 3/23/2012 - Team Pink
Meghan/MrsMEW: EDD 3/27/2012 ? Team Pink
Junie/lj_n_tj24: EDD 4/10/2012 ? Team Blue
Melissa/Melis74: EDD 4/21/2012 ? Team Pink
Nat/NatPhoto09: EDD 5/30/2012 ? Team Blue
Shawna/MrsShawanaB: EDD 6/4/2012 - Team Blue
Maria/mariaandbrian2008: EDD 6/6/2012
Jen/Jen812: EDD 6/8/2012 ? Team Blue
Angela/Loskadoodle: EDD 6/29/2012 - Team Blue
Danielle/dvroxy: EDD 7/28/2012 - Team Pink
Jennifer/jennifer80808: EDD 7/28/2012 - Team Blue
Jacqueline/2poodles2love: EDD 9/20/2012
Janelle/blondeg8rbride: EDD 9/27/2012
Stephanie/surfbetty530: EDD 10/27/2012
Kelly/Floridamom224: Mom to Camryn born 2/5/2012 and Isaiah
Brittany/bparkhur: Mom to Ethan born 1/20/2012 and Adrian born 06/18/09
Jamie/Roses12985: Mom to Evelyn born 1/3/2012
Sara/Sara76: Mom to Amelia born 12/27/2011
Elaine/LaneyPoopers: Mom to Chloe born 11/3/2011
Kaley/Kaley0130: Mom to Isaac born 10/30/2011
Danielle/Jjswife: Mom to Raegan born 10/25/2011
Lauren/babygator15: Mom to Nicholas born 8/15/2011
Lauren/babybchbum: Mom to Triston born 8/8/2011
Kristina/ragazza19: Mom to Jax born 8/2/2011 and Ava born 12/02/08
Lovethesun08: Mom to Mason born 7/22/2011
Marissa/amellis2: Mom to Amelia and Abigail born 6/4/2011
Mayette/etteyam: Mom to Sophia born 5/3/2011 and Juliana born 11/14/09
Summer/sc+fm: Mom to Charlotte, born 4/30/2011
Tasha/tashaandsage: Mom to Maisy born 3/22/11 and Beckett born 01/28/08
Chelsea/MrsChelseaP09: Mom to Lila born 3/11/2011
Jennifer/jennifer80808: Mom to born Kennedy 02/19/2011
Jen/MrsJenRN: Mom to Zoe born 2/17/2011
Kaila/miabridentampa: Mom to Malia born 2/17/2011
Jessica/blossomtg85: Mom to Brett and Emma born 2/2/2011
Crystal/BullsBride2009: Mom to Jace born 9/15/2010
Kristen/Mrs.Kristen: Mom to Amberlynn-Rose born 08/24/10 and David born 12/07/07
Aja/MrsMommyLo: Mom to Audrey and Mason born 08/17/10 and Parker born 12/31/08
Amanda/AmandaAndTj: Mom to Rylee born 07/17/10
Kristin/SouthSeasBride: Mom to Mason and Brooke born 04/21/10
Danielle/dvroxy: Mom to MacKenzie born 04/10/10
Kelly/kelcat: Mom to Declinn born 04/01/10
Sarah/mrsfireman19: Mom to Brady born 03/04/10
Amy/MrsTiu2006: Mom to Alana born 01/05/10
Laura/Gator_Bride08: Mom to Hannah born 12/31/09
Kathy/Mrs.Jason.9.15.07: Mom to Macy born 12/08/09
Kendra/ChangeofPace: Mom to Ezra born 11/16/09 and Imogen, 5
Maria/mariaandbrian2008: Mom to Olivia born 10/13/09
Tricia/WhatIsLove?: Mom to Paige born 08/02/08
Kate/k8elee03: Mom to Lily born 07/26/08
Andrea/delta21: Mom to Cameron and Carter born 04/24/08
Kim/KimandRoss: Mom to Quinn born 02/25/08
Liz/AidensMommy: Mom to Aiden born 01/25/08
Mitzi/mzpinay: Step-mom to Giorgio, 6
Mindy/nursemindy: Mom to Alex 15, and Elizabeth
Re: TTC/PG/Mom Check in
I am still having terrible headaches and migraines. It's getting to the point where days are becoming unbearable. And the stress of work is NOT helping, but at least Florida Writes is finally over; I can breathe that sigh of relief. But H is definitely not helping as of late and I am getting extremely tired of all the construction stalls on my house. I know that is typical, but I am just getting so annoyed!
MacKenzie will be two soon! I can't believe it! I've started planning her Minnie Mouse birthday party and I have some really cute ideas. She has been a ton of fun lately, but she also has a stubborn streak to her! She reminds me so much of myself, I can't even believe it!
My Married Bio!
My BFP Chart!
Can I be added please? Stephanie EDD 10/27
So happy to be joining in! My chest is pretty sore right now and nausea comes and goes. When I eat something, I feel better. I'm also pretty tired. It's cool though, I'm down with this!
I'll be 18 weeks Thursday! I swear, I don't know where the time has gone. I got the results of the MaterniT21 test this week, and it was negative! It seems weird to be relieved, because I wouldn't change Kennedy, and we love her just the way she is, but I'm so relieved that I won't be risked out of my midwives care, and that there's significantly less chance of major medical issues. In the end, I'm glad we found out, because I feel like I can relax a little more now. I don't know if I've actually announced his name - we decided on Caleb Alexander!
Kennedy is doing really well. She's becoming more and more mobile. She's still not crawling "correctly" but she's more mobile and has this adorable little crawl/scoot thing that she does. She's making a lot of advancements with the private PT and we're really happy with them. I'm also pretty sure she's the happiest baby EVER. I'm probably going to be screwed with Caleb, because I seriously could not ask for a more easy going and happy baby. We've been traveling this week and she's really enjoyed going to Sea World, swimming, shopping, etc. She always has a smile on her face! (And she's always willing to eat something crazy!)
Im at 34 weeks and my butt cheeks are hurting lol. I sleep on my left side like most pregnant girls do and I guess the pressure is just too much for my cheeks lol so walking is real pain in the arse lol.
I had my baby shower last Sunday and I could not ask for more. It was a big one! I didnt expect to have so many guests (around 65+ guests). My hosts did a fabulous job. I'll post pics soon.
I have been to two classes, one with DH, the Newborn Basic class which was very helpful and last night I attended a breastfeeding class which was very informative also. On Saturday DH and I will be attending the Labor and Delivery Class.
I have major Insomnia, hence the posting at 2:30am.
Baby J has been a real active baby boy and keeps getting heavier and heavier like I swear he'll just fall off one of these days lmao (i sure hope not, not until we each 38 weeks atleast heheh).
Im sitting in the bathroom pumping right now so I don't get engorged because my peanut is sleeping so well. She went to bed at 6 last night and I thought for sure I was going to be in for it later, but nope, she's still out! (she did eat twice bc I held her until she got her 8 feedings in). Based on experience I'm not getting my hopes up that this will last, but it's nice when I get it
At her 2 month appt her Dr said her growth is looking great and we couldn't ask for a single thing to be different. Then they tortured her with needles! She's good though, recovered quickly. If possible I love her more every day.
Yay for the test being negative and you being able to relax a little more! I can't believe you'e 18 weeks already! I love the name you guys picked out.
Zoe had her first swimming lesson at the Y yesterday. She was more interested in watching the other babies than swimming, lol. She flipped out when I put her on her back at first, but after a couple of times she calmed down. I was kinda bummed she freaked out though because she was so good floating on her back in November.
She is still cruising around the furniture an walls like a pro but refuses to attempt to walk with her rolling dinosaur or us holding her hands. Silly baby!
She had her 1 year check up and is 31" long (95th %), 21 lbs (50th %) and head circumference is 18.75 in (97%). She is long, lean, and has a giant head, lol! Gotta fit that big brain somewhere.
Like Sara said, I really can't believe its even possible that I love her more and more every day. And I really want a sibling for her.....like bad. H and I are not quite ready for # 2 yet, but I'd rather have another sooner than later because I need to go back to wrk FT (stupid money) and I want to just stay PT until then. I want to be able to spend as much time at home with Zoe and any future kids as possibel.
Congrats on being 18 weeks. It's going fast. I love the name you picked out too. Any very happy for you the test was negative!
I am 11 weeks today, can't believe it. M/S still comes and goes. We have our NT scan on Monday and I can't WAIT to see LO. My parents are visiting for the weekend so they will come too. We plan on taking pictures this weekend to make announcements. We plan on "coming out" and making it public in 2 weeks when I am 13 weeks.
We've also decided to do a gender/sex reveal party for our immediate family and close friends. I know a lot of people are against them, but this is the first grandchild and great grandchild in both families so everyone is very excited about it. We will get our elective early u/s on March 29th, get a cake made, and then find out the news with everyone on the 31st. We're excited!!
jennifer- I love your baby boy name!
Sara- your baby is sooo CUTE!
So, baby girl took her first steps (like 3 in a row) last week, but isn't really walking. Just stands and takes a couple steps then crawls. I can't believe she is 10 months today! where did my itty bitty baby go?
I'm starting to plan her bday party and I can't decide on the theme. If I should do her fave show (backyadigans) or something more pretty and girly.
Things are good here. I am definitely starting to slow down a bit though, and I feel like I am waddling a little bit! I have my 24 week appt on Tuesday. I can't believe that I am 24 weeks already and I am starting to get freaked out a little bit!!
We finished our registry last week, although I still keep making small changes. We are doing a sailboat theme for the baby's room. We will be painting it in 2 weeks when H's mom comes down. I found a cute picture frame and clock at HomeGoods last weekend so I was excited about that. We will be ordering the furniture soon too.
We went for a hospital tour last week and we will probably deliver there because they have a level 4 NICU and I like having that, just in case! We have another one tomorrow but I think our minds are already made up. I need to sign up for some classes too. I was questioning everyone about books over the weekend (Thanks Sara!) so if anyone has parenting and breastfeeding book suggestions, I would love them!!!
The Womanly Art of Breatfeeding by the La Leche League. I still refer to that book to thi day. I LOVE it! Like any book, you don't have to agree with them 100%, but it definitely did help reassure me when I felt like I was doing everything wrong.
I can't believe you're 24 weeks already, too. It seems like you just announced you BFP!
Thank you! I am freaking out the most about breastfeeding. I know this baby is coming out either way so that doesn't scare me, but I really want to be able to breastfeed and you hear so many horror stories about people not being able to. I am trying to be as prepared as possible!!!
I feel kind of bad, since it was supposed to be a surprise. I can't help it though if friends & family give up information so easily.
My confession though is that I gave my sister a hard time. I tried to tell her my students had a dance competition that weekend & I didn't know if I'd be able to make it to my own shower. She outsmarted me though & called the studio director to find out. Gah!
jennifer - Glad to hear the testing was negative and you can continue on with your midwife! I also looove the name you chose!
I'm 36 weeks now, which is blowing my mind. Less than one month until my due date. Emotionally, I'm feeling a very weird mix of SO FREAKING EXCITED and scared out of my mind. Physically, I usually feel like I got hit by a truck by the time I get home from work. I'm tired, I'm swollen, I'm sore, just blah. I only have 2 more weeks of work though, so I'm hanging in.
We finished our "nursery" last weekend (really just a corner of our bedroom), and I posted some pics on my blog if you're interested:
This weekend I want to pack my hospital bag, and we start a series of weekly prenatal meetings with our doula. Tonight I'm meeting with the pediatrician. I think those are all my last big to-do's, then hopefully I'll feel ready for baby to come, although I hope she cooks as long as she needs to!
Ellie ~ 3.29.12
Wedding | Blog
I ordered a fetal doppler from fetaldoppler.net and LOVE it. It's only $53 with free shipping, and it arrived in 2 days. It's very easy to find the heartbeat and so fun to listen too. Many girls on the Sept 2012 board have the same as well. I got the Sonoline B 3mhz. CHeck it out!
Quinn had his 4 year check up today and it was AWFUL! Not because of the Dr or anything, but as I said on FB, give me a 2 month old any day. My kid flipped his lid with 3 shots, plus a hemoglobin and lead test. He said to me at one point "I don't like coming here, it makes me cry." How is my heart not supposed to break with that? But after the screaming, kicking, and flailing were done, he was totally fine and has gotten quite a few treats today.
His birthday party went great and I can't believe he's 4. That's like a real kid. He's not a baby or a toddler anymore. Wah. And I'm going to slip this in cause its a few days later and maybe people won't notice, but we're TTC. I never wanted this much space between my kids, but it is was it is at this point. I'm just glad I finally have insurance! And since DS was a surprise, this whole TTC is nervewracking, to say the least. Oh, and I'm not really talking about this anywhere else, KWIM? Thanks ladies!
my read shelf:
When my DD had to get those shots, she flipped! Normally her Dr has 2 nurses give her the shots and one hold her down. This day it was me holding her down and one nurse giving her the shots. It was horrible!
I was crying she was crying and screaming MOMMY Please NO! I don't want it" ...I promised her she would not have to get another shot for a long time!
So when she had to get her 6th grade shots, she reminded me that I promised her! LOL
I told her sorry, it's been a long time!