I just wanted to say (again) how much I love our Pediatrician. We are with Des Moines Ped, and normally see Dr. Petersen or Dr. Wagoneer, but have seen (I think) almost all of the practicing physicians and nurse practitioners there. They are all FABULOUS. I cannot say enough about how well they treat us, how thorough they are and just the general great care that we receive.
Gwen has been having horrible eating issues (was eating 2-3 oz then got sick and she is now down to 1 oz bottles at daycare- won't eat more). I took her to a Ped GI specialist on my own (Dr. Dimeo- also wonderful) and we can't find anything (at least on the surface) that seems wrong. Still wetting her diapers and gaining a whole lot of weight. I just took her to see Dr. Wagoneer (for about the 7th time since this started 2 months ago!) and he was extremely helpful, and explained that he has seen this before and set my worried mind at ease.
I have seen a couple new names on the board, so I just wanted to say, if you are looking for a Ped, please interview DSM Peds. It is also helpful that we have one of the doctor's wives on the board here! All His- my DH probably interrupted your weekend last weekend when he called to ask about dosing for Gwen. We are in the middle of a move, and lost our dosing sheet. I could hear how patient he was on the phone with my DH. That is how the doctors are- never annoyed with my questions, never dismiss my inquiries... just seem like they really are in it for the right reasons.
Okay, shout out over.
Re: Shout out to my docs
We chose Dr. Waggoner before our son was born, on someone else's reccomendation and we love DSM Peds. The nurses are also wonderful!
I did have one bad experience with Dr. Fornoff, early on, but have seen him since and he was fine. So, maybe he was just having a bad day on that visit.
***Nestie Bestie w/ TheDeatons***
IVF w/ICSI - transferred 2; froze 3
Beta #1 150 Beta #2 320 - 7/16 124 bpm (6w5d) EDD 3/6/13
Our team green baby was a girl! Emma Lynn born 2/23/13
my read shelf:
Awww, it is so nice hearing such kind praise about your husband and his coworkers!
I do think they are a fabulous practice and really put patients first. Its a hard balance sometime between staying on schedule and meeting all the attention needs of each patients, but they do their best. And I can definitely say that they are "in it for the right reasons." As one of the lowest paid medical specialities, and with the ability to have chosen another much higher paid field, pediatricians are in it b/c they just love kids.
It is especially gratifying to hear that nursery nurses really like the group.
I think they are perhaps the best judge of both personality and professionalism.