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Should my 15 mos. old be walking yet?
I think no. My mother thinks I should be calling the ped b/c something is wrong. I take what she says with a grain of salt but... now I'm slightly concerned. So, Tristan will be 15 mos. on Friday & he "cruises" holding onto the couch, coffee table, ottoman, etc. Yes, he is a little behind his brothers who were walking well & on their own by 15 mos. but I'm not really concerned- maybe at 18 mos? WDYT?
Cari & Jimmy ~ 11.05.05
Brian 04.13.07~Gavin 07.16.08~Tristan 12.02.10
~Angel in Heaven~ emergency d&c 07.16.09

BOSCO - My first son
Re: Should my 15 mos. old be walking yet?
i assume you see the pedi regularly anyway and they question it. we had a 15 mos appointment and will have an 18 mos one.
ava walked at 10 mos unassisted. she also said several words around the same age.
sam is 16 mos old. she started walking a few weeks after her first bday. she has never crawled - only scooted on her tush. she has maybe 4 words. when ava was 16 mos old, she was in a totally different place!
pedi told me not to compare and not to worry until he says to.
does he have the chance to walk or are you always picking him up or his crawling behind his brothers?
because he is cruising, i wouldn't worry!
My 3rd didn't start walking until around 15 months. He was hardly ever on the ground and just didn't have the chance to explore. No one was worried.
In fact, I was SO GLAD that he wasn't an early walker. I had enough kids to chase around at the time.......
Brian 04.13.07~Gavin 07.16.08~Tristan 12.02.10
~Angel in Heaven~ emergency d&c 07.16.09 @9wks
BOSCO - My first son
i wouldnt worry. although i know how this goes. you arent worried or concerned until someone plants the seed and thats it- now the worry and concern is blooming.
santino will be a year on monday and doesnt even stand on his own. he will cruise on the furniture and walk with his toys, and he will walk holding on to both of our hands. but if we let one hand go, he plops to the ground.
from what i hear, i dont want to rush it
Santino does more than Andrew who turned one three weeks ago! LOL
Aaron walked the day before he turned 15 months. I was somewhat concerned but not overly so because I didn't walk until I was 17 months and DH was nearly 18 months old before he walked.
If your DS isn't walking at 18 months, then I'd follow up. Until then, let him develop at his own pace.
Like everyone else said, I would not worry. As long as he's bearing weight on his legs, which he is, since he's cruising around, then I think he's fine!
DS started walking just before 11 months, but there's several other moms on my BMB whose LOs are cruising & crawling. My own nephew didn't walk till 2 & he's fine (9 yrs old now) !
Olivia was 16 months and then Isabella just started walking literally at 17 months. I was getting nervous, but the doc told me that usually the 2nd walks late if the 1st child did too. She's fine...running around and would have ever known she just started walking!