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What is the most common compliment you receive? Are you a great listener, decorator, singer? Do tell.
Re: QOTD: Thursday
Chocolate Blog!
Baby248 - ETA 1/10/13
At work, it's that I teach well -- how to do what I do, how to collaborate with others to do it well. (no smiley for this, hee hee)
At home, it's that we (John and I) throw a great party with good food.
In my head, to myself -- I am brilliant and funny and humble.
"What is a week-end?"
Of course you are!
I get comments from strangers all the time about how cute our pup is - does that count?
Friends/family usually comment on my ability to make them feel welcome - I love to entertain and love having houseguests and doing fun over the top welcome stuff in the guest room, little things throughout the weekend. Totally learned it from my mom. She's the best entertainer around.
I've been called Ms. Google by a co-worker. I think it's supposed to be a compliment, that I'm a know-it-all in a good way? I do tend to know a little bit about a heck of a lot of random things. As an offshoot, I've been called a good teacher since I'm always showing people how to find information or such.
On the vain/physical front, my super long eyelashes. People notice them all the time. DS has them too so he gets it as well.
Personality/skill wise, probably my pop culture knowledge. I wish I could find a way to make some money off of it.
People love my cooking and baking. Also, people like how I decorate the house.
At work, people think i'm patient. But in reality, i'm not. So I must be a good faker too
We make the rockin' world go 'round.
At work - that I'm assertive and forthright, with good "instincts" (i.e., I smell bull$h!t a mile away...)
At home - that I'm resourceful and give good (although brutally honest) advice
DH's family actually have the perception that I'm organized. Which I find hilariously funny.
At work - I'm always prepared. I don't go into anything without having thought it through and having a plan.
At home - I'm a good cook and a good entertainer.
Physically it is my hair. People, including strangers, always talk about it or try to touch it (ick).
At work it is my organization/ efficiency. I am efficient because I know where everything I need is, which is a rarity in my company.
At home I'm also a good entertainer, I know how to cook and I am happy to bartend, so I guess my friends have a low standard.
Stand up for something you believe in.
At home - baking skills
At work - writing
I'm pretty sure only DS likes my singing :-)
TTC #2: BFP 12/17/11, m/c 1/7/12 and D&C 1/12/12
baby blog/cooking blog

baking/homemade gifts (irish cream, cinnamon bitters)
my photos from trips
"you are so smart"
I also have great hair
My Food Blog
Physical - my smile. Personality-wise, it's admiring my attitude/outlook on things. Usually I hear that I'm so positive and forward-moving, or people will say something like "I've never thought about it that way before."
My teeth. LOL.
At work, I've been told at several different jobs that I'm dependable and pleasant to work with. It's only behind their backs that I fall down on the job and b**tch about everyone.
professionally, i'm most often told that i have a really nice, relaxing voice (i'm a hypnotist, it's what i do!)
personally, people tell me that i'm a very caring person.
Planning Bio
at work, specially recently, I have been told I am the best 'problem fixer' and I seem to come across as very diplomatic. They just can't here me calling them a moron in my head :-)
personally, I get loyal and good listener a lot. And, the ability to create a darn cute kid by random strangers.
That I am incredibly diplomatic, both at work and home. I can usually see both sides of every situation, and carry on a conversation to get to a solution, without belittling anyone or making anyone feel stupid.
At work I get praised for being creative and innovative, and for working collaboratively both internally and externally. People also think I'm a good writer and editor.
At home I get complimented on my cute butt a lot, lol. DH also always asks me to edit things for him, which I take as high praise from an English professor.
In my personal life, people compliment my shoes and my kid.
"Nice shoes"
Seriously. This is where I spend an obscene amount of money. Plus, I can't wear jewelry to the office and I'm not thrilled with my figure so my shoes tend to be the 'stand out' part of my wardrobe.