I just need to vent. I gave up alcohol AND soda for lent. I thought this will help for personal reasons (fitness) and normally I have 1 can of soda a day/drinks socially on the weekends with friends. Next time I do something like this I told DH to shoot me.
I'm a recruiter/HR during the day. This morning I wake up to:
2 people backing out of an interview for a client. A woman who was supposed to start on Monday tell me she changed her mind and would rather remain unemployed. One of our clients telling me that I need to let 2 people go because of budget issues AND my dog puking all over my suit coat.
I'm trying SO hard not to crack open a bottle or 2 of wine right now.
Re: is there a "special circumstance" day for lent??
We make the rockin' world go 'round.
there's little a piece of chocolate cake can't cure in my experience.
sorry about your day, that sounds stressful.
I firmly believe that there are always situations that call for dispensation during Lent. Then again, I'm a pretty bad Catholic who decided not to "participate" in a Lenten sacrifice this year...
So maybe don't listen to me. LOL!
This is what my ILs go by too, but I was raised catholic and never heard of it in my family at all. But do whatever works for you! We're no longer active catholics at all, so we're not even 'doing' Lent this year.
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ugh. sorry about the bad day! I think you are entitled to wine (but this is coming from a non-religious person).
However, if you did not make the brownies last night, you should make them tonight. They definitely make problems go away.