Since my busiest time of the year is Dec-Jan (year-end reporting), my department doesn't go out for a holiday luncheon like most of the other departmnents around Xmas-time. Instead, we wait until April/May to go. Whatever day we go, we'll work until 2, go out (usually somewhere fun like a microbrewery), and then call it a day after that.
My boss brought it up this morning and one of my coworkers suggested reserving some lanes at the bowling alley and have pizzas and beer. I love the idea, and so did *most* of my coworkers. Of course there are two inparticular who turned their noses up to it, although neither provided other suggestions. And it's the same two that are NEVER happy about anything; they always have to complain or be unhappy about something.
My opinion is that they can stay at the office and work, or suck it up and be a teamplayer. I don't think that's asking a lot. And it's so weird because my department is predominantly people in their 20s and 30s. But then again these are the same two people that in past luncheons he and she would sit there and not participate in any of the conversations and look like they'd rather be elsewhere. LAME!
Re: There's Always a Party-pooper in the Bunch
It's annoying to be around people that are super hard to please, especially when they don't even offer suggestions of what does sound good to them!
Bowling is so much fun, especially in a large group! The negative nancies need to suck it up, fake a smile, and stop ruining it for those who enjoy the plans!
I HATE when people reject an idea without suggesting an alternative! Do they expect you to just start suggesting things until you come up with something they like? (which is probably impossible judging from your description of them!)
Bowling is fun! And this is coming from a person that ended up having the ball slip off my hand and go backward toward the seats at my friend's bday...I will never live that one down. hahaha
EXACTLY! You can't please everyone, but fortheloveofgod do they have to be so difficult? Our bosses do a lot of nice things for us; the holiday luncheon, give us Friday afternoons off (usually they'll tell us around 3PM) during our slow time, order in lunch if we're super-swamped. It's those little things that I really appreciate, and I hate when people won't acknowledge it.
If I coud have it my way we'd go to an indoor rock climbing facility. After reading Lexx's post last week, I searched and found three places near my house and office.
Married - I can only hope something like that happens if this is what we end up doing! That's hilarious!