I don't want to start a huge political debate (but you are welcome to sound off if you want!). I consider myself independent and have voted on both sides of the aisle but do tend to lean more democrat lately in part because of the recent strong religious leanings of many republican candidates.
Republicans, please enlighten me. With the republican presidential candidates (and many republican canidates for many offices in recent years), why are all of them pandering so much to the religious side of the Republican party? Isn't church attendance dropping around the country? Aren't there more non-christian conservatives or non-christian fiscally responsible republicans in America than the devote Christian republicans? Wouldn't it benefit them to focus on the fiscal goals of the party?
This question mostly stems from Mitt's recent recanting of his non-support for Blunt's amendment. Would it possibly benefit a republican candidate to move more towards the middle to support an issue (not necessarily this one) that may attract moderate republicans, as well was independent voters and unhappy democratic voters? I just feel like the republican party is starting to pigeon-hole themselves and exclude a large segment of society with this religious spin.