I loathe 99% of circuses that use animals. I know all about the abuses, so I don't need to learn more.
That said, there's a circus that is based in town, one month a year. It doesn't travel (or I don't think it does) and it only uses dogs and horses. Of course they say they're against animal cruelty, but really, who wouldn't say that?
I can't find any USDA violations against them, and while they used to have an elephant, once the owner realized she was unhappy performing, he got her in a sanctuary. Everything I find says she was humanely treated and truly loved.
FTR, I'm not totally against using more domesticated animals (horses and dogs) for entertainment, as long as they're not abused and mistreated. I'm more about animal welfare vs. animal rights. So while I know PETA type people would still be 100% against this type of circus, I wonder what more welfare types think.
The reason I ask is my mom loves this circus and wants to take DD. She knows I'm 100% against B&B and Ringling type circuses, but seems to think this one is ok. I'm unsure how I feel and would like others opinions.
Re: Opinions on a particular circus