I was listening to this discussion on the radio on valentine's day about how women enjoy making other women jealous. It might not be the main intent for doing something but it's the silver lining. For example, when your DH sends you flowers at the office part of the thrill is everyone sees you got them. Why post pictures of the view from your hotel on vacation on facebook, since the running joke used to be how you were tortured to watch someone's slideshow pictures. Posting about the wonderful gift your DH got you for valentine's day or annivesary on a message board may not be just to brag, but why do we feel the need to tell everyone?
All of these examples were given on the radio topic, I'm not pointing fingers at anyone on the board (I've done them as well.)
So what do you think the intent behind sharing/posting/telling everyone about what's so great in your life at the moment? Is making others envious any part of it?
Adding a poll so it's anonymous, but feel free to discuss below.
Re: do you think jealousy is a silver lining?
I'm kind of horrified that someone would want or intend for others to be jealous of what they have or are doing. I'm never jealous based on things I see other people have/own/etc.
Thanks a lot, now I'm going to be too paranoid to ever post anything on facebook again about my life.
I post things to share my excitment and experience. The people I tell or share these things with are people who would be excited for me. Same goes for sharing negative things. I don't post because I want to be pointed and laughed at. I post to get feedback from someone who may have been where I am right now.
I've always thougth it was crazy and self-centered when I had friends talk about how they were jealous that so-and-so got or did something they wanted for themselves. Part of being a friend/good person is sharing in the joys of others. I have never understood people who don't want others to have something if they can't have it themselves.
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The face of Kitty-Hate
The face of Kitty-Hate
I hate getting flowers at the office for this reason. I try to hide them in my office during the day & smuggle them out of the office when DH sends them. It's ridiculous that I can't even enjoy a sweet gesture from my husband because of women can be so catty.
ETA: That sounded rude. I'm not saying you're being catty. I agree with you that there are plenty of women who have this as a motivator. Those are the woman who then get jealous when I get flowers because they don't have any & make it awkward for me.
I do not try to make people jealous. I actually do not post much information about what is going on in my life because I am afraid people will not be happy for me. I try to down play things because there have been too many times where people did become jealous and slashed out.
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I agree with this....and I love seeing everyone else's pictures of their family adventures on FB, etc....so I share my pictures for the same reason. It's not jealously, it's sharing in other's excitement/fun, etc.
Much the same as I like reading about my many friends who share their running triumphs, etc., I like living vicariously through others! I like to cheer people on and offer encourgement, too!
I rarely do and now I want to less. But I love seeing all of your posts. Doesn't make me jealous. I'm truly happy for all the good things that happen in your lives. This whole thing makes me sad.