First, I hope you are feeling better!!! Second, I'm hoping that maybe you can provide some insight for me. We have a little girl that is 27 months old in our care. She started with me at the first of September. We noticed a couple of small bumps on her waistline (under the diaper waistband). It has since grown to lots of these bumps. She is VERY itchy (and has scratched several of them open). Her mom took her to the doctor and doc said chickenpox. Kept her home for almost 2 weeks, thought all the bumps were gone only to have more erupt. Back to the doc ... sent to a dermatologist. First the derm says chickenpox but the test comes back negative a few weeks later. So now they say they are uncertain and are going to biopsy but before they do that he calls in his wife, who is also a derm, and she says it's scabies. So no biopsy and treat it as such. Give her the treatment, wash everything in hot water, the entire family does the treatment and she promptly breaks out in more bumps. They take her back to the doctor and again they tell her to do another treatment so she does and again there's more bumps.
She went yesterday and the doctor ridiculed her for not having the poor thing completely covered (long pants, long sleeves, etc). He had never told her this before.
The poor mother is at her wits end. Little girl is itching, causing scarring (she is mixed African American and something else ... parents are unsure as she's adopoted ... they are white), etc. She just wants answers and yet she keeps getting the runaround.
Have you ever seen anything like this? No one else has been infected (her mom or teacher would be the most likely ones to get it ... or her brother) and it's been almost 8 weeks now. Any ideas? Suggestions?
Re: Emily...