Back by popular demand, we will be doing the SRC-STYLE SWAP again. Instead of submitting a recipe for someone else to make, you will opt in to participate, someone will be given your blog and allowed to make any recipe they chose (a la Secret Recipe Club, click here for how it works).
you want to participate, please email me the link to your blog. Yes,
you have to have a blog in order to participate. Like SRC I'm going to
require a minimum number of posts, let's say 30, just so whoever gets
your blog has a few different things to choose from.
You have until Friday, March 9, at noon ET to submit a recipe. Please be sure to include your Nest name with your blog link. If you don't receive a reply from me acknowledging receipt of your blog URL it means I didn't get your email and you need to resend.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please remember that this
is supposed to be fun, but it isn't fair if someone doesn't report back
to the group about what they made. Please be considerate of the
others and sit this round out if you don't think you can fully
participate. If something comes up and you won't be able to make your
recipe in time you MUST email me and let me know. Going forward, you will receive one warning if you fail to adhere to the rules. After that I'll have to ask you to stop participating in the swaps.
I will
email everyone with their randomly selected blog by 10pm on Friday, and
you'll have until Friday, March 23 to make whatever recipe you
want. Please remember that under the new system everyone must wait until 7:00AM March 23 to post their recipe on their blogs. I'll start a thread so everyone can post their recipe and
review. If you have any
allergies/dietary restrictions, please include them in your email.
tasteofhomecooking at gmail dot com
Re: SRC-Style RECIPE SWAP - Call for Submissions
So Tasty, So Yummy
Me too!