My dogs were in the fenced back yard and I was on the deck with my daughter when the dogs suddenly went nuts barking. We have 2 outdoor cats ( not ours) that frequent our yard that they bark at so I didn't worry too much.
Then I smelled it.
They were engaged through the fence with a skunk. My husky mix got it square in the face. My chi mix was much more fortunate even though he was closer.
I bathed them both in the soda, peroxide, dishsoap mix and they smell better - but my huskys eyes are really really bloodshot.
I tried to call the vet - but they wont take my call cause my cel number is blocked by the company and I can't unblock the number. My partner called them but didn't understand what I was asking and all they told her was I didn't need to bring her in to be seen.
Should I be doing anything for her eyes? I have drops from my old dog from after she had her stroke to keep her eyes wet. Should I use them or just let them be? I did rinse them in the tub really well.
Sorry so long.
Re: Help skunk!!!!
I wouldn't use the drops. Skunk spray is definitely irritating, but as long as she's not trying to rub or scratch at her eyes I think you should be okay to just keep an eye on her. If they start to swell, though, take her in.
If you need to de-stink her or your other dog any more, try Listerine. When my beagle mix got skunked over the summer, the baking soda/peroxide/dish soap mix helped a ton but so did dousing her with Listerine (and careful scrubbing with a washcloth dipped in Listerine) and then shampooing with reg shampoo. We used yellow Listerine and it helped a ton.