I took Foxxy to get her nails done today. We went to Petsmart because I went there before and the work was good and it was a good price. As I'm standing there getting checked in, I watch an employee answer a call and then hang up a few seconds later. He then starts trash talking and making fun of the customer that had just called and his groomer coworkers started to join in. They were talking bad about customers right in front of me!
Well, I figured I could let it go, but then he gets another call and they start doing the exact same thing! They were talking about how lame so many customers are and how dense they can be...I was shocked! I told the guy checking me in that I had changed my mind and walked out. A manager was by the register and I told her what happened. She was very angry with them and went right in to talk to them. She offered me free service for Foxxy, but my thinking is that if they will talk bad about customers right in front of another customer, then they lack professionalism...and if they lack professionalism, how can I trust they will treat my dog right? Foxxy is VERY fearful and easily upset, and I wasn't sure if they'd be gentle with her and patient. Last time I picked her up after her nails, she was shaking and upset, but I kind of shrugged it off. Now I wonder if they weren't as kind to her as they should have been.
Long story short, did I overreact? Should I have taken the manager up on her offer to have free services? Would you go back?
FYI, there are SEVERAL other places I can go to, and one of them is highly recommended by a friend.
ETA: When they did it the second time, one of the girls working looked at me and then looked down real fast, as though she knew it was wrong.
Re: XP: Did I overreact?
Have you seen my monkey?
Nope, I would have done the same thing!
Ditto to all the above, you did the right thing. And there is no way in he!! I would have left my dog with employees who knew I tattled on them, either on this visit or in the future.
But I don't trust Petsmart grooming anyway. We took Dexter there once and he was traumatized afterward, and he's usually pretty chill at the groomer's. We said never again.
Quincy and Dexter, new BFFs
I used to be kris216.
I would have reacted much more loudly.
Also, I won't take my dogs to Petsmart after the debacle with my parent's dog. Poor guy was there for a bath/nail trim and got his nails caught in the mat at the bottom of the cage. He got scared (obviously) as they were trying to get him out of the cage and turned around and banged his head (causing a laceration). He managed to pull out two of his toenails and needed to go to the vet to fix those, as well as get stitches for his head.
You did the right thing - and if I had the guts to do it, I would have!
I work with people/guests/customers daily. And talking about others in that fashion is highly inappropriate!