The BU post is so sad now.
As for the discussion last night about the TN's TOU and whether pinning to Pinterest was a violation - just my opinion but if I was running TN and my users (you know, the people who actually make up the community) said something I was doing was pissing them off and they were threatening to leave, I'd think long and hard about changing my practices. Are they violating their TOU? It doesn't sound like it. Are they pissing off a lot of people and forcing many of their users to go off-site? Yes.
I was discussing this with my husband last night and he brought up a good point - TN doesn't care about us. We're already here using their site. They care about the new people, the ones who haven't discovered TN and all it offers.
My local board moved to proboards and FB. I'd be up for that if others were interested but I know not everyone is on FB and I actually hate the proboards format. I just don't want this board, which has already suffered lately, to die a slow death because of all this social media BS.
Re: What a buzzkill (and my two cents about the TN's TOU)
I'm on another board elsewhere it's active board, we do have to pay.. I don't know the monthly but we just ask for donations here and there.
I know personally I am willing to support an offsite board.
The big sister, and Momma 30 weeks along with baby sister
Food Blog, Family and Baby Blog
TI, IUIs, IVF = c/ps and BFNs
TN is only interested in the message boards because they generate site traffic and thus bring in more advertisers. They don't give a crap about the people who post here, which they have repeatedly demonstrated by not responding to issues.
It's sad. I think this is one of the most helpful and positive boards here and it's a great resource. The BU post is always a highlight of my day and I look forward to it, even though I am not a blogger myself.
Married / The Cookaholic Wife
TN doesn't care about users, they just care about advertisers/traffic, which I get.
What makes no sense to me is that they simply wouldn't tell people they were doing this. Is it really that hard? I mean, I received an email a while back when they wanted to feature my recipe as the daily recipe - and that is within the Nest. Why wouldn't they do the same thing for posting things outside TN?
The TOU are unclear to me. The first sentence is very broad and ambiguous (probably purposefully) but the rest of it all refers to using content within The Nest, which Pinterest obviously isn't.
Ditto! I get so many great recipe ideas from the daily blog post...I'm missing it already!
The blog update post is still there, just without pictures.
The Art of Living
my food blog
I am up for anything too. My local board, local baby board, and my anniversary board have all moved to FB and actually we have a TON more people now than on the boards. I guess more people can access FB than the TN/TB.
I just do not want people excluded b/c they are not on FB and I am willing to pay a small fee to keep this community going.
I have gotten such wonderful ideas from all of the ladies here and my menu planning has never been easier since I have been on this board.
I don't know anything about activeboards but it's worth looking into. Proboards is what my local board is using now.
As for getting new members, I think we could have a post on here that says "this board has moved to .... and new people could join that way.
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My Food Blog
Very good point. This whole ordeal is very disappointing.