That stupid timeline on FB is going to take over, or so I keep hearing. I'm holding out, I don't like it and won't switch until they make me. I know I will have to get used to it eventually but I just don't wanna.
Also, the format changes they are bringing here to these boards are gonna really suck, we should just all be prepared. The "back to the top" button at the bottom of the thread screen will be gone, and I think I'll miss that the most. I have messed around on the local board and saw some of the differences and they are not well received. Blah!
I was hearing a discussion regarding smartphones and how they are outnumbered now among cell users, which makes sense since I am one of the only folks I know IRL who don't have one. Only one in five of us doesn't have a smartphone these days. Makes me think there will soon be no other option other than to have the data plan, but I wonder how long it will be before that happens... I'm holding out as long as possible. I'm perfectly happy paying for ONE outlet for internet service, not multiple plans for a home, cell, mobile, etc.
Re: Inevitable changes, I am not happy
I never noticed the back to the top until now.
I'm another proud dump phone carrier! Unite!
If it goes to only data plan, there will likely be problem. We have a family plan of dumb phones. If they break it up we'll go to the cheapo go phones, or Cricket or something.
I am with you on the FB timeline. I holding out for as long as possible, hoping it won't come.
As for the phone, I have more than once had the thought of getting rid of my smartphone, and going with just a flip phone for calls and texting.
bahha, well don't get used to the "Back to the Top" button, because it's going away!
Also, I like most change, so I shouldn't be bitchin too much, but these are just silly changes that I felt the need to complain about.
Piece of crap TN! I typed out a full reply and TN messed up!
Moral of the story: I agree.
Oh oh, they aren't doing the FB or Twitter "LIKE" button anymore, so we shouldn't have to worry about that!
I did see a message about that and they have since removed it from the local boards, so I don't think we'll have that issue.
2012 Reading Challenge
I hear you and agree, Erin!
I am very annoyed by the Facebook changes. I usually don't care when FB changes things, but I truly hate the Timeline format and whole idea. When it switches over I'm going to spend hours cleaning up my history of stupidity. I'm afraid to see what my friends and I posted back in my college days and want to get it off there asap since I've been applying to jobs.
I've checked my local board for the changes on the Nest and I'm not a fan of it either. However, I'm relieved that they're removing the "Like" option. I like having more privacy here and didn't want the possibility of it linking back to Facebook.
And I completely agree with your last paragraph too! I don't have a data plan/media package and have no desire for one. I have a basic phone with talk and text which is all I need. I'm worried they're going to eventually force us to pay more.
I hate the timeline format, too. I can't find anything on my wall anymore.
I am totally dependent on the "back to top" button! Whyyy would they get rid of that? It's such an easy, standard thing on forums.
Aaaand I also don't have a smartphone, or want one.
None of these tape cassettes, CDs, or MP3 will catch on either. Dag nabbit!
*shakes fist*
Everyone knows that records are far superior.