Please? This is a positive thoughts request thread. My sister is having complications with her pregnancy. She's going to have to be induced early or have an emergency c-section. I don't know what's going on at this point but she's already in the hospital. I'm sure she'll be ok but she is my baby sister and I worry about her.
Add this to the list of reasons why I never plan on having kids. :S
UPDATE: Thanks, everyone! My sister had her baby (didn't even have to have a c-section) and both of them are doing great! I got to the hospital just in time to be there with my sister when she delivered. It was an amazing experience and her baby is such a sweet little guy. I'm so glad that everything went well.
Re: Could I get some positive thoughts? -UPDATE
She's 39 weeks so she is really close anyway. Apparently she's got preeclampsia. I haven't been able to get ahold of her (I live 5 hours away from her). My mom called me earlier and she was really upset (mostly because she lives 13 hours away from my sis) and it kind of freaked me out honestly.
But she's doing alright now and they are just waiting to see what to do/when if they need to do anything.
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-- Thoughts become things, choose the good ones! --