Hello Ladies!
Question for all of you kitty owners: Kiki has been fairly good since we got her about 3-4 weeks ago. However, the last 4 days or so she has been driving us up the wall!!! She is constantly getting into cupboards (mostly where her treats/food are. We have since moved them) and jumping up on counters. It is becoming really frustrating to constantly be getting up to tell her no and move her off the counter. I have tried clapping loudly and telling her no, I have tried removing her from the situation, yet nothing seems to work. Tonight when I was cooking dinner she jumped up on the counter by the stove and almost started walking on the stove top while I was cooking!!
I really just don't know what to do. Any thoughts/ideas? We are getting "child proof" locks on the cupboards so she can't get in them and will be investing in a squirt bottle tomorrow (good idea?).
TIA Ladies!!
Re: Cat Behavior- she is driving us nuts!!
the three things that helped keep our kitties off the counter were 1) squirt bottles 2) tin foil (they hate the sound of it), and 3) lemon juice (they hate the smell of it).
Emerald Nuts Midnight Run (4m) 1/1/12
Coogan's Salsa, Blues, and Shamrocks Run (5k) 3/4/12
Colon Cancer Challenge (15k) 4/1/12
Purple Stride NYC (5k) 4/21/12
Run to Combat Autism (5k) 4/29/12
RnR Philadelphia (Half Marathon) 9/16/12
squirt bottle seems to work best for ours, but she won't get on the counters for some reason. granted she doesn't mind water, but after a few squirts she will leave what ever it is alone
but she is NOT bothered at all by tin foil...we tried that by the christmas tree where the lights were plugged in, she jumped on it, attacked it and had all kinds of fun with it....