We have a year old terrior/hound mix that we adopted last May from the local SPCA. She was 4 months old when we got her, and she has done so well with our family, and my husband and I thought she would enjoy a puppy playmate.
well, we adopted a 10 week old puppy on saturday, and so far, i think the puppy is driving her crazy more than anything. i feel bad that i got this "playmate" for her, but the puppy is always snipping at her tail (trying to play) or taking her treats away, or just whining. i feel like ive upset her more than anything.
will this get better as time goes on, and the puppy gets out of the "brand new puppy" stage? our other dog is sweet as pie, and would never hurt her, i just worry that she isnt happy
Re: Old Dog W/ New Puppy
Your older dog is only a year? I thought this was going to be about a senior dog adjusting to a puppy. Dexter was 10 when we got Quincy and he was definitely not happy at first. Now they don't let each other out of their sight, but it took several months. But your one-year-old should adjust a lot faster.
Things we did:
- Stopped Quincy from doing too much jumping and nipping. The experts say to let the older dog correct the younger dog in his own way, but Dexter is so sweet that he just put up with it even though it was obviously stressing him out, so we made sure to intervene until Quincy learned what was ok and what wasn't.
- Made sure Quincy couldn't steal Dexter's food, treats, or toys.
- Made sure to give Dexter the same level of attention and keep his routines the same - mealtime, walks, playtime, etc.
- Gave Dexter breaks by taking Quincy to doggy day care one day a week. This helped more than we expected because we just intended for Dexter to have a day to have the place to himself. But after a day apart, Dexter was glad to see Quincy. Of course by the following week, he was ready for him to go again. lol.
Quincy and Dexter, new BFFs
I used to be kris216.
You've already gotten great advice. The only thing I will also mention is to look into NILIF. It is a training theory based on pets earning their "rewards" (eating, going out, getting on the couch, etc)
We had an older dog I totally spoiled, and adopted a 15 mo. old corgi. We started NILIF with both of them and it a) helped me realize I had really been spoiling my older dog b) showed the younger one that all four legged people were treated equally in our house. It also seemed to help them bond by figuring out what to do to earn the reward.