Helicopter parents are killing me today. I get that there are occasions when the parent of a college student needs to get involved, but really, that's about 1% of the time.
I sent out letters last week, addressed to the students, notifying them of whether or not they received merit-based scholarships. Cue the onslaught of emails and calls from parents (who open their students' mail?) all in a tizzy about, "What awards are these?", "Why didn't my little genius get one?", "Who DID get one?" The latest parent even CC'd the president of the college on his email.
Dude, call your kid. Who is 21 years old. Ask him/her what he/she applied for. And if they have any questions, they can contact me.
If my parents had ever contacted my college without going through me first I would have been mortified.
Re: Cut the cord!
I cannot stand helicopter parents! My disdain stems primarily from ex-FI's non-stop phone calls to his parents. But also from my upbringing.
FMIL works for a university police/parking department. You would expect that she would have students making lame excuses as to why they parked in the wrong spot. But she gets calls from their parents! What do their parents have to do with their child parking in the wrong spot when they are miles away?!
LOL, wow. Can't say I'm surprised, though.
Oof! A coworker of mine was talking about her daughter really wanting to get into a certain high school. Apparently only like 100 people are accepted from certain towns. She said she had an email all ready to send if she wasn't accepted, stating why she should be accepted. I thought she was kidding! It made me sad for her.
My brother hasn't transferred his summer community college credits to his regular college, and my mother said to me, "well, if he doesn't graduate, that's on him." Yeah! Self sufficiency is the most valuable lesson in the world.
Preach on, Sistah!!
I hear stories regularly about helicopter parents thanks to my teacher-spouse, but by college it's really sad to see them continuing that behavior! **shakes head**
My parents would open my mail and then wait until I got home from work to yell at me about it. Sometimes what I got, they'd call me while I was at work to yell at me.
I started opening their mail and busting their butts about every charge that wasn't correlated to bills, finally I threatened to have the law enforcement involved, which wouldn't bode well for my dad's top-level security clearance. Never happened again. Wished that I hadn't had to do it, but enough was enough.
My mom talked to ONE professor, and it was detrimental to me (thanks, mom!).
I got on her case and told her I can handle it, thanks!
Basically I had called a professor (I lived at home the first year), and when he called me back my mom answered. Ugh! She told him Sociology was supposed to be easy. Needless to say he was insulted and took it out on me. Great....
Me:32 DH:33
Married Sept 2008
~~TTC Nov 2010~~
Jan 2012 - SA, low numbers and also low T
Mar 2013 - see first Uro - recommends seeing RE
May 2012 - see RE who recommends a new Uro who specializes in MFI
May 2012 - HSG: tubes clear
DH Surgery: 8/30/12- Bi-lateral Varicocele repair
IUI#1:12/19/12-100mg Clomid(CD3-7)(7M post wash)+ progesterone= BFN
SA:1/11/12- 38%motility, 2% morph
IUI #2: 1/21/13-100mg Clomid(CD3-7)(8M post wash) + progesterone= BFP!! EDD 10/13/13
Beta #1=81.1 Beta #2=134.5 Beta #3=58.1 #4=2369 WTH?!-Not sure if its viable
2/21/13 - Went to RE expecting the worse and saw the flutter of the heart...still measuring small. To God be the Glory!!
2/28/13 - heart rate = 147bpm!! Measuring on target!
3/21 - First OB Appt
~~PAIF/SAIF Welcome~~