Hi Ladies,
I'm not a regular poster here but have posted in the past....
So here's the situation: about two years ago, my husband and I purchased and moved into our current home with our two cats---my sister (with her three cats) also moved in with us so we have a total of 5 strictly indoor (all spayed/neutered) cats. We definitely have a houseful with all those paws running around but we feel our house has adequate living space (~2,500 sq. ft.) so it doesn't feel too cramped.
However, the legal code in my area allows up to three animals per household but I think so long as a nuisance or hoarding situation isn't being created by having more, it's a law that is loosely enforced.
Anyways, shortly after we moved in we started getting a visitor to our backyard--an un-neutered orange cat my sister eventually nicknamed Hobbes. Not sure if he was attracted to the cats in our house and that's why he started visiting frequently but regardless, he made it more of a habit over time to spend a lot of time in our backyard visiting. We later found out that he kind of belongs to our next door neighbors--I say 'kind of' because I'm not 100% sure that they went out and brought him home. I think there may be a possibility that he was a stray they just started feeding; I think this because I know they don't let him in the house and they feed him outside so he's a strictly outdoor cat, however, they did claim him as theirs when my husband asked them about him.
To make a long story short, the issue I'm seeking advice about is I've recently noticed that he has developed a really huge pot belly...I've had cats long enough that I can only suspect he has some sort of intestinal worms infection...
I mentioned this to my husband and he told me that he informed the 'owners' of his condition on two different occasions but that they just brushed it off as him being fat, etc.
It really hurts me to see him in this condition. There are even some nights when I hear a cat moaning, and I can't help but wonder if its Hobbes, crying in pain. We really have taken to him...we feel bad for him as we see him sitting outside our windows peering inside at our cats, longingly wanting to come inside. I posted a photo of him below...whenever it's 'treats' time for my kitties, he seems to know because he'll come to my kitchen door and cry. I tried to resist as long as I could but I eventually gave in and started giving him some treats whenever giving my cats theirs.
So what should I do? Should we try talking to his owners (yet again) and encourage them to take him to the vet for some medical attention? I know this probably won't be the solution as I can tell they're more 'dog people' and care very little for this cat--they have dogs they keep inside and obviously care for; the cat seems to be more of an inconvenience to them. And I know $ probably isn't an issue--we live an upper middle class neighborhood.
I've seriously considered just taking him to the vet myself and getting him some treatment, but I don't know if it's legal for me to do this or if it's even the right solution since the source of the problem is that Hobbes is being neglected by these people. I know I can't ask the neighbors to keep him since I technically am already breaking city code with the 5 I currently have in my house but I really want to help him if I can...
Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!
Re: Need advice re: neighbor's outdoor cat [sorry, LONG]
I would maybe ask the neighbor if they minded if you took him to the vet. If you are paying for everything I don't see how they would care. And if they really don't like him anyways....
And you could always take over all his care, he's an outside cat anyways, feed him at your house etc. If he really wants to come in after he was vetted I would probably let him try coming in. you are already over the limit, whats one more
Ditto this.
I wouldn't say anything. I would get him to the vet asap, make an appointment to get him neutered, and try integrating him into the house. Poor boy
Since they obviously aren't claiming him, I'd take him to the vet, get him fixed and treated and up to date on shots and try to find him a home if its not with you. Most importantly get him fixed and treated.
Sorry for the late response but thank you all for reaffirming what I have been wanting to do for so long now...it's true that Hobbes will probably be better off without these people as 'owners' so I am going to take him in to the vet and get him treated. Hopefully I can convince the hubby to let him come in and stay in the house permanently.