Please don't take offience to what I'm about to say... since apologizing first seems to be OK here.
I am truly curious.... which part of my repeated, public bashing about my "dead babies" did not qualify as a violation of the terms of use?? I can easily ramble of a dozen of them without even looking. Here... let me point out 2 of them... I won't even get into my intro post.
1) The wonderfil rape filled signature used to prove a sick point about my "real" siggy..Oh and it was conveniently changed when you made a post last night. I'm sure we can come up with a cache of it
2) The dead baby post that was used to provoke my reaction. I should also mention that it needed to be removed by a BUMP mod, not even you...
3) the fact that a certain person came to a Bump board and started bashing there....
What exactly does the bump classify "harmful" language? That fact that I was chastised becasue I chose to recgonize the children that I birthed and then buried.. doesn't count? The fact that I was called out on a dead baby post wasn't "obscene"???? Come on...
But what I find funny is that CJC made a post expressing her feelings... She was not vulgor, obscene, nor was she being disrespectful and yet HER post was removed by a mod.
Re: MOD flexiblebride
MOD fail.
FYI: I was at work when AlA was so cruel to you, so I wasn't here during most of it. Not an excuse--just the reason why.
Forget-Me-Nots: Alaska State Flower
This. Figgs, I don't know you, but I cannot believe you were subjected to this. Stay classy. Everyone is on your side. Alabaster and a few others are absolutely disgusting for insulting you like that. Their behavior is unacceptable and I cannot believe they have not been banned.
This whole debacle has made it's way to "off" boards and I can tell you that the vast majority of us are absolutely disgusted with Alabaster.
You are a true lady and handled yourself with dignity and grace.
You are right. This is no excuse. Maybe someone who can access the boards more frequently should moderate because the things that A got away with while you were at work were outrageous. It should have never gotten that far.
I'm still shocked as to why her IP is not permanently banned yet.
A Vol Mod is required to be on the board(s) three hours a week. I'm here way more than that. And unfortunately for you, my paying job comes first; Vol Modding'is a close 2nd.
And the NG's do not permanently ban IP's. Not sure where you got that information.
Forget-Me-Nots: Alaska State Flower