Would this patio set look dumb with this umbrella? I don't like the umbrella that comes with this set and really like the color of the umbrella below from target. The rug shown is what we are planning on getting, but it will be rectangle. I'm afraid it won't look right since there won't be any of the aqua color any where else. I've thought about adding pillows with the aqua color in them, but I think those will just get in the way. So more likey than not, I won't be doing pillows.
http://www.target.com/p/Smith-Hawken-Patio-Umbrella-Aqua-9/-/A-13724111 (umbrella)
http://www.homedepot.com/h_d1/N-5yc1v/R-203168140/h_d2/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10053&langId=-1&keyword=outdoor rug&storeId=10051&superSkuId=203326014 (rug)
Re: Opinions on patio set. PIP
You can get some cute aqua candles or placemats to help blend. My mom has these adorable blown glass aqua torches she got a Pier One.
I really like it!
-- Thoughts become things, choose the good ones! --
*photo removed*