I talked to him on the phone for over the weekend for the first time this year. We FB and text, but he rarely calls, so that was kind of cool.
Anyhow, he's a 30 year old bachelor who travels heavily for work/lives on a boat and I figure it was just temporary given the work that he's in and the COL where he lives. He kept going on about how it was the best decision of his life and he will never own a house or rent an apartment ever again, he's going to live on a boat the rest of his life.
I asked about when/if he gets a girlfriend and eventually settles down with someone, he's gonna need more space than what he's got... if he ever finds someone to commit to his crazy ass, that is. He said, "I'll just get a bigger boat! I'm telling you, I belong on the water, not mowing a lawn or cleaning out rooftop gutters"
I laughed about it, but I wonder about him sometimes.
Re: My brother is an odd duck
This is true. I just hope when he hears "there are plenty of fish in the sea" when it comes to women, that he isn't taking that in a literal sense. I don't know too many women that would want to live on a boat indefinitely. He may be single forever, unless he finds a boat lovin' woman that likes that idea. hehe
At least he'll have that going for him...I suppose.
To be completely honest, I don't think I would mind it that much.
Only if I could have breaks in between for a couple of weeks here and there. I'm assuming there would be lots of travel and I'm def down for that.
I can't really judge that, seeing as we are blood related.
I have been told that girls think he kind of looks like Josh Hartnett, but now he's starting to get really pudgy and very hairy so I don't really see that. I don't know why he stopped shaving but he's got a full on beard now, and I don't think it's doing him too many favors.
Literal LOL
I.m sure if he find's the "right" girl it either won't be an issue or she'd be able to convince him to live on land.
Yes, that is what I am hoping for.
He is the type that is very gungho about something one minute, then fail to follow through on the full path and divert another direction when something else catches his eye.
I'd just like to see him find a nice girl to make him happy, whether she puts up with boat living or bends him back to a land dweller.
Me:32 DH:33
Married Sept 2008
~~TTC Nov 2010~~
Jan 2012 - SA, low numbers and also low T
Mar 2013 - see first Uro - recommends seeing RE
May 2012 - see RE who recommends a new Uro who specializes in MFI
May 2012 - HSG: tubes clear
DH Surgery: 8/30/12- Bi-lateral Varicocele repair
IUI#1:12/19/12-100mg Clomid(CD3-7)(7M post wash)+ progesterone= BFN
SA:1/11/12- 38%motility, 2% morph
IUI #2: 1/21/13-100mg Clomid(CD3-7)(8M post wash) + progesterone= BFP!! EDD 10/13/13
Beta #1=81.1 Beta #2=134.5 Beta #3=58.1 #4=2369 WTH?!-Not sure if its viable
2/21/13 - Went to RE expecting the worse and saw the flutter of the heart...still measuring small. To God be the Glory!!
2/28/13 - heart rate = 147bpm!! Measuring on target!
3/21 - First OB Appt
~~PAIF/SAIF Welcome~~