To the Tribies. Yes, I am a regular on there. No, my intention was not to cause problems. I am not the troll. I wanted to start a screen name that everyone could use. My intention was to post the password so anyone could use this name. I think that there could be others on the board that might want to vent about things going on in their lives that they don't want to get back to others. Yes, you have to be a member and people can't see what you've posted when you google the screenname, but some of us have met others on the board and become friends with their DHs and DCs. I don't think that I am the only one who has issues that I honestly can't talk about with my real name.
I know on other boards (on the nest) there is a screen name that anyone can use to post anonymously without going through the hassle of making up a new email address and new screen name. Some have used it because they are the one cheating on their spouse, others maybe for abuse and they just aren't ready to leave and don't want the other regulars to know. I honestly just thought this would be a good idea for the Tribe. I know I could stay on here and post anonymously on the national boards, but I wanted to get advice from people that I feel more connected to, people who know me even though I don't want them to know who I am.
Anyway, I'm sorry if I upset and creeped people out. That wasn't my intention.