We have a 2 year old dog who is in good health. About two months ago we noticed a rash in the bare/hairless part of his groin. It appeared he scratched or bit his nipple and it had a little tear. We had an e collar from a previous vet visit so we put that on him, kept the area clean and watched it for a few days. It started looking worse so we took him to the vet.
The vet confirmed he had an infection. He prescribed antibiotics and steroids, as well as the collar. After the course of medication the area still didn't look fully healed so we called back and he was prescribed a topical ointment which we put on twice a day. This was all about a month ago. Poor dog has worn the collar 24 hours a day (except for during walks and eating) since the beginning.
When the area looks completely healed we let him have collar free time and he gets right back into licking/scratching it. That's happened twice now. We're going back to the vet because I'm not sure what else to do but I wanted to see if anyone here had any insight. He gets plenty of exercise so I don't think it's a boredom thing. He doesn't seem to have any allergies. Any thoughts?
Re: Rash in dog's groin won't heal
Has he ever shown symptoms of anxiety? That might be a stretch, but one of my dog's first self-harming incidents due to anxiety was that he suddenly became obsessed with the moles on his cheeks and he scratched himself raw. He had shown other symptoms of anxiety and we'd been trying to resolve it without medication until that point.
I'm not sure what else it could be. Do you have foxtails in your area? Something that could have gotten under the skin? I hope you get to the bottom of it quickly!