Central Florida Nesties
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I know a lot of people hate it, but this is my FAVORITE time of the year...I love love love love love love love it when it gets dark out earlier! Yay!
Re: Fall back tonight! Whee!
Ohmygosh Steph. I didn't know this about you. I thought I was the ONLY one who liked when it gets dark early. The only thing I don't like about it is leaving work in the dark...since we work in such a great area, you know.
I'm sure I won't really get that extra hour of sleep, though, since Rylie's clock will still be on daylight savings time. Although grandma is here and she gets up with her, so who knows, I might get a few extra hours anyway.
Ughh I know that feeling. We're gonna try putting Angelica to bed an hour later tonight to see if she'll sleep an extra hour!
My sistas from anotha motha!!!!! I also love when it gets dark earlier. I always get a nostalgia feeling in the evenings when it is only 7 and dark outside. I think it has to do with the approaching holiday season which I love, the weather change and the smell of the air(minus the itchy eyes and throat...eck!)
I am a night owl and it makes my nights longer. I gotta say though, I get the same feeling in the spring about having longer days
I like it because it's easier for me to wake up in the morning when the sun is already coming up, but then again I don't like it because I like having sunshine for awhile after I get home from work.
I love the extra hour of sleep! I have been waiting and waiting for daylight savings time. (stupid people changing it!)
I have been getting up for work when it was pitch black dark outside. (I hate that!) I do love it when it gets dark early though!
Awww, I am sooo proud of my little dog, Toby! He totally got with the "fall back" program. He pretty reliably wakes us on weekends between 8:30 a.m. and 9 a.m. (daylight savings time). Today he waited an extra hour to wake us up, so it was 9 a.m. normal time (or 10 a.m. daylight savings).
A coincidence, I'm sure, but I was tickled that I got my bonus hour of sleep this year, after all!
Well, my dog pretty much sleeps all day anyway, so that was no problem!
It was sooooooo nice to wake up and realize I could get so much more done because it was an hour earlier than I thought it was! Of course, I go through the exact opposite thing in the spring, but I'll enjoy it for now!