So, we got our youngest dog spayed yesterday. They did not get to her due to emergencies until around noon I believe. Picked her up at 4:30 yesterday, she was covered in slobber/what may have been vomit.
They told me not to feed her or give her water. Well she was dying of thirst so I gave her small (like two-four licks) every hour or so. She did vomit twice, just water, but then kept water down the rest of the night.This morning I gave her her pain meds, she did not want to eat her breakfast and she has not wanted to drink any water. I did manager to get her to drink a small amount.
The vet called to check on her and berated me for giving her water last night. They told me they want me to bring her in for sub-q fluids. I assumed (stupid I know) that they would give her fluids during her spay yesterday. So I asked just to clarify that they did. Well, they didn't. I'm extremely upset, and I think that may be the reason she feels so bad today and was vomitting last night. She has urinated, but no bowel movement, also no vomitting today.
So I guess my question is, do you think that I should trust to take her back to them or should I drive her the the E- Vet? Or should I keep her home and syringe feed her water? Her gums are pink and when I press on them it takes less then 3 seconds to go back to pink. Her skin also bounces back fairly quickly. So, I think she may be only slightly dehydrated. (She also ate some crackers, but no kibble.)
Re: Upset and need some advice.
I would take her to the e-vet, just to be safe, but I am admittedly a paranoid pet owner.
I don't know enough about a spay procedure to know if it's normal to give fluids during it and your vet is just dumb, or if that's not normally something they do. It's been a long time since I had a pet spayed/neutered. But, if my vet called and "berated" me for anything, I would be finding a new vet. I am not 2 years old, and I don't let people talk to me like I am. Was he really an a$s about it, or did it just seem like it because you were already upset and worried?
<a href="" title="Home DI feel your pain - my vet gave my dog a shot with an ingredient she was allergic to (and has reacted before, so the vet should have known)...almost killed her and they acted like it was my fault for not mentioning the vomiting reaction the first time.
Anyway though - it sounds like your girl is probably fine. I would wait and let them give her some fluids tomorrow and give her what you can tonight. She is probably just out of sorts from the anesthesia (hey, that happens to me when I get it too!)
If her gums are pink and she's eating at least a few bites, I wouldn't worry. Just let her rest and give her time to heal, I'm sure she'll pull right through!
See, it wasn't even the actual vet that called, but one of the tech's I believe. She said "Well we told you not to give her water." It may have been just because I'm upset, but I don't think it was fully.
(I used to be a tech a couple years back, and the doctor I worked for always gave fluids with every surgery.) So maybe I am just biased? This is only the second time I've taken my dogs to this vet. After quitting my tech job, the vet and I had a falling out and she refused to see my animals, so I've had a really tough time finding a vet I feel comfortable with.
My husband did take her over there for sub-q fluids. Although, if she doesn't get better I fully plan on taking her to the e-vet.
I'm sorry you had to go through something like that! It's a very scary situation to have a dog allergic to things! (I have a severe allergy dog.)
I'm paranoid about my dogs, so I am constantly checking them-especially after shots, etc. So I have been checking her gums and skin elasticity (sp?) all day.
Thank you both for your responses.
I've never heard of giving sub q fluids during surgery. We let Molly drink the night of her spay and she was fine. I'd let the vet know you were unhappy by the tech's bedside manner. I'd still find a new vet if there are any good ones near you, it is really important to me to have a candid relationship with our vet
The vet I worked for gave IV fluids during surgery. My older two were spayed by the vet I used to work for and also were able to drink and even eat the night they got spayed. The vet we had my baby spayed at used no fluids, but since they felt she was dehydrated(she wasn't), they wanted me to bring her in for sub-q fluids, the day after surgery. I did take her in incase I was wrong about her not being dehydrated.
I am extremely upset she wasn't given IV fluids during surgery and I truly believe it is why she was so sick and not at all herself after and the majority of today.
I shared my feelings with the vet and was blown off so I fully plan on finding a new vet. It's very important to me as well to have a comfortable relationship with my vet.
She didnt have an IV at all? That would wig me out. I would at least want my dog saline locked in case something did go wrong and they needed immediate vascular access. This is something I feel really strongly about. =S
Me: 32 | He: 35
TTC since Sept 2011
DX: Unexplained
1st round of clomid: Jan 2013 BFP - M/C 8 weeks
surprise BFP Apr 2013 - M/C 9 weeks
IUI #1 clomid Jul 2013 = BFN
IUI #2 clomid Aug 2013 = BFN
IUI #3 injects Oct 2013 = BFN
IUI #4 injects Dec 2013 = BFN
IVF #1 March 2014 - 12R/12F, one perfect day 5 blast transferred
BFP!! Beta#1 = 431 Beta#2 = 914 Beta#3 = 2207 HB = 166!!
I understand it may not be the norm for you. But like I said none of my other pets ever NOT had IV fluids during/after surgery. Even my male cat had them. So it does set me off. I stated in my OP that it was stupid to assume they did, I should have asked. But when they called and I asked if they had they said they never do them, so even if I had asked who knows if they would of. I also know its common for anesthesia to make them nauseated, I too get nauseated after. My point is the fluids do help flush it out faster.
To me it is important, I shouldn't have assumed like I said. My doctor would never give me anesthesia without fluids, so why would my pets be given it without? YKWIM?