First off I apologize if this is long, I just need to get it out.
This past Saturday we came home around 2:30 pm from lunch and grocery shopping to find that our 7 year old yellow lab had pooped in her bed (dark black poop) and then threw up some blood - she had shown no signs of illness or distress anytime before this. We called the e-vet, and were told to bring her in because vomiting blood is a very bad sign. We took her in to the e-vet, and 4 hours later and some tests and x-rays later, we were told she had melana, which is bleeding into her gut, and her blood levels were very low, and she would need to stay overnight. I was so upset as we were told the news, gave her a kiss and said goodbye, and cried all the way home - this was my worst nightmare coming true that one of my animals was seriously ill.
Sunday was a cycle of talking with the vet, cooking and cleaning to keep myself busy, talking with the vet, etc. until we went to visit her around 5. She was hooked up to an IV, was having her 2nd blood transfusion because her numbers kept dropping, yet she didn't look so bad - still alert and interested on what was going on around her.An abdominal ultrasound showed a small mass near her pancreas. I was still crying on and off, and the news didn't change much. We left her there Sunday night as well.
Monday morning I somehow dragged myself to work, while my H works from home. He spoke with the vet, and called to tell me that she would need surgery to see what was inside her because her blood levels were dropping so much and she was still pooping out undigested blood. I had a horrible day at work on Monday worried out of my mind about her, but she made it through surgery - they found that she an ulcerative area with a blood clot which was removed, and other small ulcers bleeding in her stomach that couldn't be removed because there were too many. We saw her Monday night but she was still doped up so we only stayed a few minutes.
Tuesday was looking better - the vet said her blood levels were coming up and she was awake and able to walk around but obviously sore. She wouldn't eat for the vet staff, but we saw her Tuesday night and hand fed her some chicken. I was finally hopeful she would pull through. She was put on medication to stop the small ulcers from bleeding.
Today we got great news - this morning the vet said her levels were coming up, she gobbled up some food, and could maybe be discharged today or tomorrow. We called today at 5 pm and the vet said she could come home tonight! We picked her up a couple of hours ago with a whole regimen of meds, strict instructions for the next 2 weeks, and a tired puppy. I am so extremely grateful to the vet staff at the e-vet for what they have done for her - they loved her even though it wasn't the best circumstances under which they met her.
It will be a slow recovery but I am so glad this nightmare is over. I have never felt so desperate and helpless as I did these past few days. I now feel the need to love both dogs even more than I already do and to not take one day for granted with them.
thanks for letting me get this out.
Re: 5 of the worst days of my life ... now over with a happy ending
B/w 1/8: betas 17,345, progesterone 25.6